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Simplified search suggestions : Kasturi Kandasamy
Enhancing vocabulary acquisition and retention through the brain-based learning strategies
Kasturi Kandasamy
The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the Brain-based Learning Approach in enhancing vocabulary acquisition and retention among Year 4 pupils in a primary school. The strategy implemented was based on Brain-Based Learning Principles. The goal of Brain-based education is to make the utmost use of the situations in which the brain learns the best. Hence, it can be said that brain-based learning in the classroom demonstrates an innovative approach which enhances positive learning conditions for school children. Vocabulary acquisition is an important component in second language acquisition, and it becomes more meaningful when retention of the words learnt is maximized. Embedding brain-based learning strategy in teaching and learning provides opportunity for better vocabulary acquisition and retention, at the same time, increases the level of motivation among young learners. A descriptive quantitative design was used in this study involving 33 pupils from a primary schoo.....

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