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Simplified search suggestions : Khatoony Shiva
EFL teachers challenges in the integration of Technology for online classrooms during Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Iran
Khatoony, Shiva
The implementation of technology has provided the significant opportunities for language teachers to adopt online application and instruments to enhance learners’ proficiency in complicated conditions such as Coronavirus pandemic. Subsequently, with the improvement of learning technologies, EFL teachers face various challenges in language teaching. This study investigates the challenges that EFL teachers face toward the implementation of online teaching during Coronavirus pandemic conditions particularly in Iran. In achieving the goals of this study, 30 EFL teachers who worked in English language institutes in Iran participated in the study. These institutes have been closed to prevent the side-effects of the virus. This research is an exploratory mixed method research whereby questionnaire and interviews were used to explore the teachers’ challenges in online teaching and the efficiency of online classrooms. This research focused on two research questions; Are the technology integ.....

505 hits

Exploring Iranian and Turkish faculty members views toward using Augmented Reality English Trainer (ARET) application for educational purposes: a comparative study in different university faculties
Khatoony, Shiva
The advancement of technologies especially Augmented Reality (AR) in the field of education has brought special conditions where teachers and learners have controversial perspectives in using new technologies for educational purposes. Therefore, this study tried to investigate the faculty members’ ideas about Augmented Reality English Trainer (ARET) as a researcher-made application in the contexts of Iran and Turkey to ensure how educational beneficiaries can implement this application in face-to-face or distance education, and how their views are different. Subsequently, the basic phenomenological-qualitative design was chosen by the researchers of the study to investigate the views of faculty members in these countries. To do so, an online elite interview (based on Instant Messaging Applications and Google Forms) was designed with seven questions to reflect the faculty members’ views during using ARET as an educational application by focusing on English vocabulary learning. There.....

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