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Simplified search suggestions : Kim Margaret Hayne
Proximity to daily life parallel musical functions in the Austrian Biedermeier and early Thai Rattanakosin eras
Kim,Margaret Hayne
In every culture and time period, music has always been a medium of expression that gathers people together. In Thailand, the Sadhukarn, ceremonial music from the early Rattanakosin era (1782-1851), expressed a bodily and mental salutation to heavenly spirits, reinforcing a unified belief system before the start of an event. In a parallel era in Central Europe, the music of the Biedermeier period (1815-1848) also had a unifying function as it grew out of societal conditions in which the distinction of classes became less pronounced. In order to more fully engage with these concepts, a concert was devised featuring an ensemble of instruments that would commonly have been played in a Viennese salon during the Biedermeier era. The repertoire studied and performed for this research were serenades written for the relatively rare and under-performed combination of guitar, violin, and viola by Biedermeier-era composers Leonard von Call, Wenzeslaus Matiegka, and Anton Diabelli, as well as a ne.....

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