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Simplified search suggestions : Lee Sook Huey
Lessons to Learn From Managing School Refusal of an Adolescent Boy with Complex Clinical Presentation: A Case Report
Lee Sook Huey
School refusal can lead to short and long-term impairing consequences if not treated. This case study describes the management of a 13-year-old boy who presented with school refusal comorbid with medically unexplained paralysis and depression with psychotic features. The patient underwent a psychological assessment to clarify his diagnosis, followed by developmentally appropriate cognitive behavioral therapy. With these interventions, the patient showed promising improvement in his well-being and functioning. This study illustrates a case with unique association of school refusal, depression, dissociation in conversion disorder, and psychosis. The patient’s complex comorbidity required an individualized case formulation and a systemic intervention approach for effective management. The study underscores the need for future research to focus on identifying risk factors for early detection of school refusal and exploring the role of dissociation in conversion disorder and psychosis. Sc.....

138 hits

His first words are to the dentist assessing a mixed ethnicity high functioning autism child with unsual language development
Lee,Sook Huey
Unusual speech development is a prevalent factor leading to autism evaluations. This case study presents the assessment procedure for a preschooler of mixed ethnicity who exhibited atypical speech, rigidity, and difficulty with transitions. The assessment results confirm a diagnosis of high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This case study illustrates the diverse modes of language acquisition in children with autism, suggesting that their speech development may differ from neurotypical peers. Future studies could investigate the language acquisition patterns of ASD children who engage in non-social language learning. Understanding the challenges faced by these individuals can play a crucial role in tailoring effective and culturally sensitive interventions to support their overall well-being and development. Keywords: high functioning autism, psychological assessment, language development..

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