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Simplified search suggestions : Lee Nazirah
Validation of mobile multihop relay network model and continuous connectivity analysis
Nurul Nazirah binti Mohd Imam Ma
Mobile Multihop Relay (MMR) network is an attractive and low-cost solution for expanding service coverage and enhancing throughput of the conventional single hop network. However, mobility of Mobile Station (MS) in MMR network might lead to performance degradation in terms of Quality of Service (QoS). Selecting an appropriate Relay Station (RS) that can support data transmission for high mobility MS to enhance QoS is one of the challenges in MMR network. The main goal of the work is to develop and enhance relay selection mechanisms that can assure continuous connectivity while ensuring QoS in MMR network using NCTUns simulation tools. The approach is to develop and enhance a relay selection for MS with continuous connectivity in non-transparent relay. In this approach, the standard network entry procedure is modified to allow continuous connectivity with reduced signaling messages whenever MS joins RS that is out of Multihop Relay Base Station (MRBS) coverage and the relay selection is.....

16626 hits

Relay selection and connectivity in mobile multihop relay network
Nurul Nazirah Mohd Imam Maarof
Mobile Multihop Relay (MMR) network is an attractive and low-cost solution for expanding service coverage and enhancing throughput of the conventional single hop network. However, mobility of Mobile Station (MS) in MMR network might lead to performance degradation in terms of Quality of Service (QoS). Selecting an appropriate Relay Station (RS) that can support data transmission for high mobility MS to enhance QoS is one of the challenges in MMR network. The main goal of the work is to develop and enhance relay selection mechanisms that can assure continuous connectivity while ensuring QoS in MMR network. The first approach is to develop and enhance a relay selection for MS with continuous connectivity in non-transparent relay. In this approach, the standard network entry procedure is modified to allow continuous connectivity with reduced signalling messages whenever MS joins RS that is out of Multihop Relay Base Station (MRBS) coverage and the relay selection is based on Signal to Noi.....

6792 hits

Identiti Melayu dalam catan Syed Ahmad Jamal
Musa Nur Nazirah, Ramli Harozila,
Syed Ahmad Jamal sangat memberi pengaruh dan menyumbang dalam sejarah perkembangan Seni Lukis Moden Malaysia. Beliau telah mula berkarya sekitar tahun 50-an lagi. Artikel ini menyorot karya beliau sepanjang tahun 1950-an hingga 1990-an. Antara karya yang sangat mesra dan sinonim pada Syed Ahmad Jamal ialah “Gunung Ledang/Tanjung Kupang” yang memberi identiti kepada pelukis dan identiti Melayu sebagai satu bangsa...

4566 hits

Pensejarahan Melayu 1900-2000
Lee Nazirah,
Pensejarahan Melayu melalui perkembangan yang menggalakkan sepanjang abad ke-20. Namun terdapat . beberapa perkara yang masih perlu diberikan perhatian, terutamanya berkaitan sumber. Sejarawan perlu menggunakan sumber yang berbagai untuk mendapatkan hasil penyelidikan yang baik. Dalam perkembangan sejarah Malaysia, golongan Arab memainkan peranan yang sangat penting. Sehubungan itu, sejarawan perlu melihat dan mengkaji pandangan dan catatan komuniti ini untuk memahami sesebuah peristiwa dari perspektif sezaman. Untuk itu, akhbar golongan ini perlu dikaji. Kajian ini membincangkan tentang al-Huda, sebuah akhbar yang penting di kalangan masyarakat Arab di Malaysia dan Indonesia. Edarannya yang meluas di Alam Melayu menjadikannya pelapor yang ideal tentang peristiwa di rantau ini. Bagi pengkaji hari ini, ia merupakan sumber penyelidikan yang sangat kaya maklumatnya...

1096 hits

British, dunia Muslim dan perkembangan Bolshevik di Mesir selepas perang dunia pertama
Lee Nazirah,
Kajian ini menonjolkan hubungan di antara pihak pentadbir kolonial British dengan masyarakat Muslim khususnya di Mesir. Maklumat diperolehi daripada dokumen-dokumen sejarah seperti fail-fail pentadbiran dan laporan yang dikeluarkan semasa dan selepas Perang Dunia Pertama. Analisis terhadap dokumen-dokumen berkenaan memperlihatkan bahawa pentadbiran British menjadikan kepentingan ekonomi dan ketenteraan sebagai asas penting yang mencorakkan hubungan mereka dengan dengan masyarakat Muslim. Sehubungan itu, kerajaan British mengimplimentasikan pendekatan dan kaedah yang dijangka akan menyekat pengaruh musuh mereka daripada mempengaruhi masyarakat Muslim yang tinggal di wilayah yang dikuasai British. Dalam kes Mesir, usaha menghidupkan semula semangat Pan-Islam dan penularan pengaruh Bolshevik dalam kalangan Muslim di Mesir dilihat sebagai ancaman besar kepada kuasa kolonial British di negara tersebut. Pentabiran Brtiish percaya bahawa Pan-Islam dan Bolshevik ada gerakan yang sama. Untuk it.....

618 hits

Transformasi fesyen pakaian Muslim di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu, 1930,1940
Lee Nazirah,
Masyarakat Muslim di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu melalui zaman transisi sejak berakhirnya Perang Dunia Pertama. Mereka menghadapi dilema untuk memilih sama ada untuk kekal dalam nilai tradisi atau menerima nilai-nilai baru yang lazimnya disinonimkan dengan kemodenan dan kemajuan. Perkembangan yang terjadi selepas 1930 memperlihatkan bahawa Muslim di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu mempunyai karekteristik yang sangat berbeza berbanding sebelumnya. Perubahan ini penting untuk difahami kerana ia memberi kesan kepada Muslim sehingga kini. Sehubungan itu, artikel ini membincangkan transformasi tersebut dengan melihat kepada perkembangan dan perubahan yang berlaku dalam fesyen pakaian Muslim di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu. Kemunculan fesyen "baru dan moden" dalam masyarakat Muslim mencetuskan perdebatan dalam kalangan mereka. Cerapan kepada perbahasan yang berlaku dalam masyarakat pada waktu itu akan memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang tranformasi sosial yang terjadi sepanjang 1930-1940-an. Ini kerana.....

704 hits

The Malaysian Islamic Party PAS 1951-2013: Islamism in a Mottled Nation by Farish Noor (review)
Lee Nazirah,
870 hits

Islam in Southeast Asia: Negotiating Modernity ed. by Norshahril Saat (review)
Nazirah Lee
Islam in Southeast Asia: Negotiating Modernity is a compilation of eight articles that offers new insights on the dynamic developments which have taken place within Muslim society in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. The authors of the chapters—academics and researchers with proven prowess in their respective fields—present articles that offer in-depth explanations of the developments in the subject of their choice. This book, according to the editor, Norshahril Saat, is an attempt to elucidate the impact of the developments of the Middle East on the Muslims in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore, especially in the sphere of contemporary socio-cultural factors and politics. The editor also informs readers that 'Southeast Asia' in the title is limited to the three countries considered to be the bastion of modest Islam in the region: Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. Issues related to the Muslims in Thailand, the Philippines and Burma are intentionally neglected. Also, discussions an.....

663 hits

Resistor value checker kit for educational purpose
Nurul Nazirah binti Mohd Imam Ma
The use of technology in creating Teaching Aids (TA) for the Teaching and Learning (TL) process has a great impact on delivering knowledge and skills as well as expediting the learning process amongst students. Additionally, game-based TA plays an important role in improving the achievement and efficiency of students in the classroom. This research was conducted to develop the education kit for TL Resistor Color Code (RCC). The main purpose of this education kit development is to help students understand the RCC through a fun learning environment based on hands-on learning activity. This education kit known as Resistor Value Checker (RVC) kit is built on the concept of 21st Century Learning (21-CL) which concerns about the use of appropriate technology in the process of the TL in the classroom. It is designed with the latest facilities and different from existing products in the market...

1598 hits

Analysis of continuous connectivity in mobile multihop relay network
Nurul Nazirah binti Mohd Imam Ma
Mobile Multihop Relay (MMR) network is an attractive and low-cost solution for expanding service coverage and enhancing throughput of the conventional single hop network. However, mobility of Mobile Station (MS) in MMR network might lead to performance degradation in terms of Quality of Service (QoS). Selecting an appropriate Relay Station (RS) that can support data transmission for high mobility MS to enhance QoS is one of the challenges in MMR network. The main goal of the work is to develop and enhance relay selection mechanisms that can assure continuous connectivity while ensuring QoS in MMR networkusing NCTUns simulation tools. The approach is to develop and enhance a relay selection for MS with continuous connectivity in non-transparent relay. In this approach, the standard network entry procedure is modified to allow continuous connectivity with reduced signaling messages whenever MS joins RS that is out of Multihop Relay Base Station (MRBS) coverage and the relay selection is .....

1300 hits

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