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Simplified search suggestions : Lok Wai Foong
Self-regulated learning predictors of academic performance and strategies in resolving barriers to learning
Sam Foong
The purpose of this study was to determine the underlying constructs of an instrument to measure self-regulated learning (SRL), examine the correlation between SRL and academic performance, determine the SRL predictors of academic performance and how gender and age moderated this relationship among nontraditional learners (n=519) in the Primary School Graduate Program (PGSR). Factor analyses, Pearson bivariate correlation, linear regression analysis and moderated multiple regression analyses were performed. Additionally, this study examined the barriers to learning and how SRL could be utilized to resolve these barriers. The items in the Self-Regulated Learning Questionnaire (Sf-ReLQ) was found to comprise a robust scale. Findings revealed that there was a moderately significant relationship between SRL and academic performance. An intriguing finding was the insignificant negative correlation of time study management and academic performance. Overall results of the multiple regression .....

755 hits

Voice characteristics of people with Parkinsons Disease (PwP): an overview on baseline vocal characteristics and guidelines for therapeutic singing
Ang, Mei Foong
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease in which the symptoms of the disease are worsen over time. Core symptoms of the disease are such as tremor-at-rest, rigidity, postural instability, and bradykinesia. Apart from these motor-problems, other problems such as sleep disorder, sensory abnormalities, neuropsychiatric disorders also exist. In addition to the motor-problems, latest literature documented 80-90% of the people with Parkinson’s Disease (PwP) are prone to develop voice impairment known as Parkinsonian Dysarthria, when symptoms deteriorate, causing loss of communication, difficulties in swallowing and breathing that are psychologically devastating and life threatening. Growing research in music therapy (MT) and music-based rehabilitative activities worldwide documented positive effects on PwP. A local research using therapeutic singing as rehabilitative model at the Malaysian Parkinson’s Disease Association (MPDA) also have reported positive benefi.....

643 hits

A case study of direct assessment of students manipulative skills in Chemistry practical: perspective of lecturers
Lok, Wai Foong
Direct assessment has adopted in matriculation college as an innovative change in assessment method for practical in line with the implementation of outcome-based education. The purpose of this study was to obtain the views of matriculation lecturers on the use of direct assessment to assess students’ manipulative skills in titration experiment during Chemistry practical. A qualitative case study approach was adopted, in which four matriculation lecturers were purposely selected. Observation and interview were conducted to obtain their views regarding to the perception, implementation, effectiveness, and critical factors for sustainability of direct assessment. The findings of the study indicated that lecturers positively perceived direct assessment were able to enhance students’ manipulative skills in Chemistry practical, by identifying their weaknesses in skills and to increases their motivation in hands-on practical. Several issues such as lack of skills among lecturers and the .....

931 hits

Student experience of using mobile devices for learning chemistry
Lok, Wai Foong
Mobile devices have been utilized as an emerging learning tool in the 21st century to support the learning of chemistry. This study aimed to identify matriculation students? learning experience with regards to the use of mobile devices for learning chemistry. The study employed a qualitative case study approach, which was carried out in a matriculation college. Online diaries and interviews were utilized as the instruments of the study. A total of 84 students initially reflected their learning journey using an online diary, whereas 17 students who were active in mobile learning were purposely selected for the interview. The findings revealed that students have positive and negative experiences towards the use of mobile devices for learning chemistry. They positively perceived that using a mobile device for learning chemistry promotes knowledge construction, visualization of abstract concepts, self-control in learning and intellectual discourse. However, the issue of learning resources .....

614 hits

The impact of national policies on accessibility to quality early childhood care and education in Malaysia: policymakers perspectives
Foong, Lydia Yoke-Yean
All children have the right to a safe and nurturing environment that promotes their holistic development. Accessibility is an important gateway to inclusive education where all children including disadvantaged children such as indigenous children, special needs children and children at risk are given equal access to quality early childhood care and education (ECCE). In ensuring inclusive accessibility to ECCE, many countries including Malaysia have instituted policies in relation to the provision of childcare and preschool education. These policies are expected to make a significant difference to the way practitioners work to achieve the best outcomes. This paper reports on a research study to examine the impact of the existing policies on the accessibility to quality ECCE in Malaysia. As part of a larger research project, this study employs a qualitative methodology that used a purposive sampling method. 54 participants were involved consisting government official and leaders of non-g.....

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