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Simplified search suggestions : Loniza Amor F
Development and evaluation of digital storytelling on listening comprehension for kindergarten pupils
Loniza, Amor F
This study aimed to develop and evaluate the Kindergarten Digital Storytelling (KiDS) material   designed  for  early  childhood  education  learners  to  improve  their  language listening    comprehension   skills.   A   mixed   methods   research   with   a   quantitative approach  to   analyze  the  effectiveness  of  the  KiDS  and  a  qualitative  approach consisting   of    interview   and   observation   to   further   validate   the   quality   of   the developed    materials   was   used.   The   ADDIE   (analysis,   design,   development, implementation,  evaluation) model was applied as a guideline in conducting the study. Based on the experts’  evaluations, it was revealed that the material had a very high acceptability   level   in   terms    of   its   content,   technical,   and   aesthetic   qualities. Furthermore, the contents of the  developed learning mat.....

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