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Simplified search suggestions : Loviana Lenyu Dunstan Mandau |
1 | 2022 thesis | Formulating M-learning framework for generation Z using the Fuzzy Delphi Method Loviana Lenyu Dunstan Mandau This study was aimed to formulate m-learning framework for generation Z as a guideline to improve the teaching and learning process among generation Z learners,who was born in the year 1995 – 2012, also known as “Digital Natives”, “Me Generation”, and “Generation N”. This generation is the first generation to be born and grown with ready-to-use technology and a high-tech environment that differentiate their outlook from the previous generations. Although several researchers demonstrate the m-learning frameworks for teaching and learning, there is a limitation in the user interface (UI) design in the frameworks that suitable for the generation Z. To conduct this research study, Design and Development Research (DDR) method is used to identify the elements of generation Z characteristics, user interface (UI) design, and the m-learning instructional design (ID), formulate and evaluate the m- learning framework for generation Z. The instrument used in this research study is li..... 132 hits |