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Simplified search suggestions : Mahadir Naidu Noor Banu
Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Muda Pendidikan (Pendidikan Moral) UPSI
Mahadir Naidu Noor Banu,
Pendidikan Moral diperkenalkan di sekolah pada tahun 1989 bertujuan untuk mendidik pelajar supaya menjadi insan yang bermoral dan berakhlak mulia dengan menekankan aspek perkembangan pemikiran, emosi dan tingkah laku moral. Namun dari segi perlaksanaan subjek ini dikatakan agak kurang berkesan dan tidak mencapai objektif yang digariskan. Masalah kekurangan guru Pendidikan Moral terlatih, kekaburan konsep dan kandungan moral dan kelemahan penilaian subjek ini antara faktor penyumbang. Justeru Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia menetapkan bahawa subjek ini seharusnya diajar oleh guru siswazah terlatih dalam bidang Penididikan Moral. UPSI mengambil langkah memperkenalkan Program Ijazah Sarjanamuda Pendidikan (Pendidikan Moral) dengan Kepujian. Program Ijazah Sarjanamuda Pendidikan (Pendidikan Moral) dengan Kepujian ditawarkan oleh Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris ini telah diluluskan oleh Senat Universiti pada 27 Julai 2004, Lembaga Pengarah Universiti.....

2724 hits

Digital citizenship trend in educational sphere: A systematic review
Noor Banu binti Mahadir Naidu
The surge of information in the digital age has impacted social problems. Accordingly, digital citizenship had been discussed mostly within topics related to digital security, IT education. A systematic review is needed to provide an overview for educators and policymakers in Indonesia to address ethical and technical issues to improve the online environment safely. However, there are limited studies that systematically review the existing literature on implementing digital citizenship in Indonesia. The present study was guided by PRISMA review protocol using three databases, i.e., Scopus, Google Scholars, and ProQuest, concerned with digital citizenship, digital competence, digital literacy, and information and communications technology (ICT) skills. There were 205 articles screened; this study obtained 20 articles that fit the predetermined inclusion criteria. This study used content analysis to encode, organize categories, and develop the themes. Based on the thematic analysis, this.....

1566 hits

Survey data of internet skills, internet attitudes, computer self-efficacy, and digital citizenship among students in Indonesia
Noor Banu Mahadir Naidu
Dataset provides wide measurement data on internet skills, internet attitudes, computer self-efficacy of the students related to the digital citizenship in Indonesia. Due to the pandemic of Covid-19, the survey was conducted online by considering the informant consent on assessing demographic information (7 items), internet skills (9 items), internet attitude (5 items), expertise and skills in using a computer (5 items), respect (6 items), educate (5 items), and protect (4 items), which was carried out from March to April. There were a total of 581 respondents selected through probability sampling based on random convenient sample from 12 public and private senior high schools which spread throughout 5 cities in Central Java, Indonesia. The survey data were analyzed using multivariate analysis and partial least structure with the analysis technique of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). In the future, this data can help educators, researchers, and educational policy makers to determin.....

1003 hits

Digital citizenship skills among undergraduate students in Malaysia: A preliminary study
Noor Banu binti Mahadir Naidu
The purpose of the study was to examine level of digital citizenship skills among undergraduate students at the Sultan Idris Education University, Perak, Malaysia. The study focused on three sub-variables of digital citizenship skills; online wellbeing, online learning and online safety. The paper present report from a questionnaire conducted on 1000 students from nine different faculties. Items for each variable were constructed based on literature highlights related to digital citizenship framework and through experts? validation. A descriptive statistic was used in determined the level of digital citizenship skills among the undergraduate students. The findings of the study showed that the level of digital citizenship skills of students is at a high level. This study expected to help stakeholders to further emphasize the study of digital citizenship and digital citizenship education in Malaysia in more detail. ? 2021, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserve.....

1157 hits

An analysis of factors affecting student wellbeing: Emotional intelligence, family and school environment
Noor Banu Mahadir Naidu
This research aims to identify the role of family and school environments in predicting emotional intelligence and student well-being. It also examines whether or not emotional intelligence acts as a mediator. A total of 500 senior high school students from 16 private high schools in Pemalang District, Indonesia, completed this survey in the 2020-2021 academic year. Data analysis was carried out using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The results show that family environment affects the fulfilment of student well-being. Emotional intelligence was not an essential mediator in the relationship between the family environment and student well-being. The school environment also had a decisive role in fulfilling student well-being. Emotional intelligence was an essential mediator between the school environment and student well-being. Student well-being should be realized. It is necessary to address the welfare of teachers in the school environme.....

115 hits

Promoting digital citizenship among student-teachers: the role of project-based learning in improving appropriate online behaviors
Noor Banu Mahadir Naidu
Due to the widespread use of the Internet, digital space has now pervaded schools. This study aimed to investigate student-teachers perspectives and experiences of digital citizenship through project-based learning in a teacher institution in Indonesia. A case study research design was employed using content analysis to analyze the data from semi-structured interviews, observation, and daily journal report. The results showed that technology overuse requires moral guidance in terms of digital citizenship. The student-teachers viewed that digital citizenship provides some principles that encompass knowledge, skills, and appropriate behavior to use technology safely and responsibly. They asserted that digital citizenship is a necessary skill for prospective teachers, particularly considering the growing demand for schools to develop character education programs that address the topic of student technology use. After engaging in digital-issue-driven project-based learning, the student-tea.....

128 hits

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