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Simplified search suggestions : Mahendran Maniam |
1 | 2019 article | Improving ESL Students Mahendran Maniam The purpose of this research is to study how effectively collaborative writing essay can help to improve ESL students’ essay writing skills. The main aim of the study is to ascertain if collaborative writing helped to improve students’ essays in aspects like organization, development and structure. This study aims to determine if students who are engaged in collaborative writing show a greater improvement in essay writing compared to students who write using the traditional (syllabus based) writing method. The effects of the collaborative writing method on the attitudes and perception of the learners were also established. The findings of the study showed that the students are able to generate ideas and develop a change in attitude towards writing after going through the collaborative writing treatment. The findings have established that Collaborative writing is a strategic tool to help students write well in ESL classes and in line with the findings of other scholars mentioned in ..... 1365 hits |
2 | 2019 article | A case study of self-directed learning using movie to promote oral communication Mahendran Maniam The main aim of this study is to help EFL students’ improve their oral communication proficiency out-of-class. To achieve that, video-movie was chosen as a medium for improving the subjects' oral communication proficiency. It was hoped that movie could function as a pseudo-immersion for the students, an accessible and easy alternative to being in the English native countries. Based on that, this study aim has been transformed into this research question ‘what effect does self-directed learning using movies has on the students' perceived oral communication proficiency?’. To answer that, six first year students at the faculty of English language and literature, Ajloun University in Jordan, were selected based on purposive sampling and divided equally into two groups, treatment and control, based on random assignment. The subjects in both groups were asked to take the self-assessment language test twice, once before the beginning of the case study scheme and another after. Likewise,..... 1063 hits |
3 | 2019 article | Correlation between EFL students perceived linguistic proficiency and their level of confidence in using English Mahendran Maniam The main aim of this study is to find out the correlation between EFL students’ perceived linguistic proficiency and their level of confidence in using English. To achieve that, sixty first year students at the faculty of English language and literature, Ajloun University in Jordan, were selected based on convenience sampling. The subjects were asked to self-assess their linguistic proficiency using five-point Likert scale and to respond to the survey questionnaire. To test the statistical associations between the two variables, ANOVA was used to confirm if there were any statistically significant differences in self- assessment scores among the groups of students having different levels of confidence. To confirm where the differences lie, Post Hoc tests (Turkey HSD and Homogeneous Subsets) were used. NOVA gives an F value of 44.131 with 2 and 57 degrees of freedom (p < 0.01), showing that there are differences in self-assessment means among groups. The multiple comparisons among mea..... 1062 hits |
4 | 2019 article | Insights into orthography and abbreviation on facebook and its influences in Academic Writing Mahendran A/L Maniam The main aim of this study is to examine the insight into orthography and abbreviation on facebook and its influences in academic writing.Th study explores the usage of orthography and abbreviation in writing among university students between the age of 19-23 years old. An onlinesurvey is posted on Facebook for the university to comment in oder to investigate the insight into orthography and abbreviation on Facebook and its influences in Academic Writing... 688 hits |
5 | 2019 article | Parents involvement in Selangor Tamil school students academic achievement Mahendran Maniam Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti kepentingan penglibatan ibu bapa dalam pencapaian akademik pelajar di sekolah Tamil melalui model perkongsian sekolah dan keluarga. Kajian ini memfokuskan penglibatan ibu bapa kepada enam aspek utama mengikut teori Epstein iaitu aspek keibubapaan, aspek komunikasi, aspek pembelajaran di rumah, aspek membuat keputusan, aspek koloborasi dengan komuniti dan aspek kesukarelawanan yang membolehkan penglibatan ibu bapa dengan kerjasama sekolah dan komuniti luar untuk meningkatan pencapaian akademik pelajar. Kajian ini melibatkan siasatan naturlistik dengan menggunakan temubual separa berstruktur ke atas empat orang guru besar dari sekolah pencapaian tinggi (Gred A) dan sekolah pencapaian rendah (Gred B) sebagai sampel kajian dan juga guru sekolah yang mempunyai pengalaman mengajar lebih dari 15 tahun bagi kaedah kuantitatif. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan ialah borang soal selidik dan temuduga responden. Kesemua data diproses dengan menggunakan bantu..... 1126 hits |
6 | 2020 article | A study on CoRT program of thinking skills (Breadth) to develop expository writing skills among primary pupils Mahendran Maniam The purpose of this study is to determine the use of Cognitive Research Trust (CoRT) Program to teach expository writing for primary Year 6 students. The participants of this study comprised of 25 students who have acquired basic language skills, however they struggle to write good essays as they do not know the techniques to elaborate ideas. The data of this mix-mode study were collected through tests (Pre-test and Posttest) and interview. The test results showed that the mean score of the Post-Test was significantly higher than the mean score of the Pre-Test. The findings from the interview showed that the participants had positive response towards this intervention and it was a helpful tool to improve their writing skill. The findings strongly suggested that CoRT program could be a useful technique in assisting the teaching and learning process of writing skills.
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7 | 2021 article | A comparative study between china and Malaysia: investigating the influence of first language (L1) syntax in speaking English (L2) among primary school students Mahendran Maniam For Malaysian students, speaking in English is one of the most challenging skills to master, especially if they do not have a strong command of the language. Meanwhile in China, the English language is primarily employed as a means of academic communication and teaching. This paper aims to identify which linguistic items have been transferred positively and negatively from L1 (Bahasa Melayu and Mandarin) in speaking English (L2) among primary school students. A qualitative study among primary school students from China and Malaysia was carried out using purposive sampling. Based on the findings, four types of syntactic errors from the Malaysian students' speech were identified. It was evident that the students had difficulties to speak correctly in terms of sentence structure. The four syntactic errors found are simple past, simple present, verb ‘to be’ and subject-verb-agreement. Meanwhile, it has been found that Chinese students frequently produce linguistic mistakes during their..... 1135 hits |
8 | 2021 article | A syntactical analysis of fresh graduates job interview responses Mahendran Maniam The purpose of this paper was to investigate (a) the English language proficiency concerning sentence structure in fresh graduates, and (b) hiring managers’ perceptions of the importance of English proficiency in the 21st century workplace. There were forty-five candidates and twenty- five hiring managers from local and foreign instituitions who participated in the study. The data were analysed qualitatively using a sentence structure framework: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. The findings revealed that most candidates used simple sentences and were unable to express their complete thoughts due to their lack in English language proficiency. The findings further revealed that hiring managers were willing to consider employing candidates who had good proficiency by expressing their complete thoughts in job interviews. This study has confirmed the need for fresh graduates and undergraduates to know the importance of sentence structures as an important benchmark to show ..... 1166 hits |
9 | 2021 article | An analysis of social-interaction strategies in job interviews amongst fresh graduates Mahendran Maniam The study investigated the use of social-interaction strategies among fresh graduates in job interviews. Fifty candidates and twenty hiring managers participated in the study. The job interview data were analysed qualitatively using the ATLAS.ti data analysis software. It was found that successful candidates attempted five social interaction strategies, reserved candidates attempted two social interaction strategies and unsuccessful candidates did not attempt any of the social-interaction strategies. The findings further revealed that the use of social-interaction strategies by successful candidates enables them to understand and answer the interview questions with good proficiency, coherence, cohesion besides maintaining the flow. It is hoped that the findings of the present study would be helpful for fresh graduates and undergraduates to use social-interaction strategies to have a smooth interaction. These strategies also provide more confidence to respond as candidates are able to b..... 967 hits |
10 | 2021 article | An investigation on the learners Mahendran Maniam This study aims to examine the learners’ perception and experiences in engaging in writing lesson conducted via Google Classroom among the secondary school learners in Malaysia and China. This study is important for both the teachers and stakeholders to identify the suitable types of writing activities that can be used in a Google classroom platform to motivate the learners to be interested in writing and the ways to solve the problems faced by the learners when it involves writing lesson via e learning. This study focuses on five learners; three learners from Malaysia and two learners from China. This study employed a qualitative approach. The instruments were interview questions and guided logbook journals. The sessions were conducted via Google Meet and the recorded interviews were then transcribed. Hence, researchers used qualitative method to analyse the codes and categories to pen down the findings. As a result, both China and Malaysia learners expressed their affirmative agree..... 933 hits |
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