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Simplified search suggestions : Marzita Puteh |
1 | 2011 article | Analyzing mathematics beliefs of pre-service teachers using confirmatory factor analysis Adnan Mazlini, Puteh Marzita, Zakaria Effandi, Mathematics beliefs play an important role in enhancing the quality and the effectiveness of teaching and learning. This study analyzes the mathematics beliefs of 317 pre-service teachers from six Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) (Government Public Universities) who were randomly selected to participate in this study. Questionnaires consisting of twenty three items were given to the respondents during the data collection process. The validation of the items was done by using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). In order to obtain a model fit for the measurement model of mathematics beliefs, several fit index tests such as CMINDF, GFI, AGFI, IFI, NFI, CFI, TLI and RMSEA were used. Constructivist beliefs and traditional beliefs were identified as the contributing factors in the model. The analysis also revealed that mathematics beliefs consist of structures of two hidden variables. The correlation between the two variables (constructivist beliefs and traditional beliefs) is at a moder..... 2631 hits |
2 | 2006 book_section | Geometer Sketchpad : penggunaannya dalam pembelajaran Matematik Tambahan Puteh Marzita, Masri Rohaidah, Kursus Lepasan Ijazah (Matematik) yang dikendalikan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan telah memuatkan Geometer Sketchpad GSP) di dalam kurikulumnya sebagai salah satu komponen teknologinya dan pelajar-pelajar dimestikan mempunyai kemahirannya setelah tamat pengajian. Maka sasaran penggunaan GSP di sekolah-sekolah menengah adalah salah satu objektif Kementerian Pendidikan dan diharapkan projek ini dapat merealisasikan kehendak itu. Memandangkan era teknologi dan penggunaan ICT yang begitu pesat, maka penggunaan teknologi di dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Matematik adalah sesuatu yang perlu diberi perhatian. Dalam projek ini satu prototaip perisian menggunakan GSP untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran mengikut kemahiran dan tajuk-tajuk kurikulum matematik di sekolah menengah telah dibangunkan, diuji dan dikaji agar satu pengkalan data perisian pengajaran pembelajaran berkaitan geometri diwujudkan dan digunakan oleh pelajar-pelajar yang bakal menjadi guru. Prototaip ini mengandungi lima bahagian..... 1555 hits |
3 | 2003 monograph | Geometer Sketchpad: penggunaannya di dalam pembelajaran Matematik tambahan Puteh Marzita, Masri Rohaidah, Kursus Lepasan ljazah (Matematik) yang dikendalikan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan telah memuatkan Geometer Sketchpad (GSP) di dalam kurikulumnya sebagai salah satu komponen teknologinya dan pelajar-pelajar dimestikan mempunyai kemahirannya setelah tamat pengajian. Maka sasaran penggunaan GSP di sekolah-sekolah menengah adalah salah satu objektif Kementerian Pendidikan dan diharapkan projek ini dapat merealisasikan kehendak itu. Memandangkan era teknologi dan penggunaan leT yang begitu pesat, maka penggunaan teknologi di dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik adalah sesuatu yang perlu diberi perhatian. Dalam projek ini satu prototaip perisian menggunakan GSP untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran mengikut kemahiran dan tajuk-tajuk kurikulum matematik di sekolah menengah telah dibangunkan, diuji dan dikaji agar satu pengkalan data perisian pengajaran pembelajaran berkaitan geometri diwujudkan dan digunakan oleh pelajar-pelajar yang bakal menjadi guru. Prototaip ini mengandungi lima bahagia..... 1488 hits |
4 | 2017 article | Pupils achievement towards Higher Order Thinking Skill Mathematics questions with bar model method Mohd Abdul Aziz Azrul Azwan, Puteh Marzita, Mohd Tajudin Nor’ain, Adnan Mazlini, 1965 hits |
5 | 2017 article | Developing themes of guiding principles to foster higher order thinking skills in teaching and learning of mathematics Mohd Tajudin Nor’ain, Puteh Marzita, Adnan Mazlini, 3112 hits |
6 | 2017 article | Development of secondary mathematics higher order thinking skills assessment instrument: challenges and constraints Puteh Marzita, Mohd Tajudin Nor’ain, Adnan Mazlini, Mohd Abdul Aziz Azrul Azwan, 1661 hits |
7 | 2017 article | Mathematical Knowledge In Teaching Fraction Concepts Kathir Veloo Palanisamy, Puteh Marzita, 607 hits |
8 | 2017 article | Malaysian trainee teachers mathematical knowledge of fractions Adnan Mazlini, Puteh Marzita, Zakaria Effandi, 909 hits |
9 | 2019 article | The effectiveness of bar model to enhance HOTs in mathematics for year 4 pupils Marzita Puteh This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of using Bar Model in Mathematics problem solving questions involving Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs). This study involved 37 pupils from Year 4 class at SK Bukit Bandaraya. This study focusses on to examine the effectiveness using Bar Model by converting the HOTs problem solving questions to visual by drawing bar model. This is a quasiexperimental research and the effectiveness of this method will be analyse through the findings from pre-test and post-test. Discussion of the findings of this study is based on pupil’s per-test and post-test. The results of this study analysed by using SPSS version 22 for pre-test and post-test results. The results of the pre-test and post-test show differences in average mean scores of 28.51 to 42.46. This finding shows that the Bar Model method was effective for the pupils that can improve pupils understanding in order to answer HOTS problem solving questions... 1107 hits |
10 | 2019 article | The development of higher order thinking skills (HOTS) assessment instrument for word problems Marzita Puteh This study aims to test the validity and reliability of a Primary School Assessment Instrument for Year 4 students which cover the topic length involving word problems. This research is a developmental research. The product of this research is to develop instruments in subjective test items. The validation of assessment instrument is carried out to evaluate the validity of the assessment instrument. The validation is performed in the early stages of product development by three experts on Mathematics Education. The findings show that all experts agree that the content and quality of the item. The Cohen kappa value is 0.75. The finding indicates that the instrument has a high validity. A total of 20 Year 4 students from a rural primary school in the District of Marudi, Baram, Sarawak were involved in this study. From the analysis, it was found that the Cronbach alpha coefficient value is 0.857. This finding shows that the instrument has a high reliability coefficient.. 748 hits |
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