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Simplified search suggestions : Mat Zin Hussin
Dikir laba- konsep, asal, usul, sejarah perkembangan dan falsafah
Helmi Hussin
This is a research in the field of Malay traditional poem called Puisi Dikir Laba . The poem is categorized into the dikir or zikir genre which is one of the major general in the Malay traditional poem ( Harun Mat Piah : 1989). This research is done based on the Literature Sociological Theory. To attain sources of information , the researcher made his way to the popular “dikir” location since 1920s until today. The researcher attained his first hand resources from observations and interviews with old and young Dikir Laba experts who are at present active in the field as it was popularized since 1930s. The researcher also take into consideration available resources. The aim of this research is to see the crucial aspect that acknowledge this traditional poem as a unique genre in the Malay community in Kelantan. The aim of the research and discussion are mainly about the concept, the foundation of the poem, the history of its expansion and how it spread about in certain status. The re.....

1386 hits

Perisian kursus multimedia mata pelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visual bagi topik logo (APH-Pensil)
Ridzuan Hussin
Tujuan penyelidikan ini ialah untuk membangunkan dan menguji sebuah Perisian Kursus Multimedia untuk Pendidikan Seni Visual (APH-Pensil), berasaskan teori Asas Seni Reka. Pembangunan perisian kursus tersebut adalah berdasarkan metodologi kitar hayat pembangunan yang bergelar KHAPH-Pensil. Kaedah pembangunan tersebut merangkumi lima fasa seperti: Analisis, Reka Bentuk, Pembangunan, Implimentasi dan Penilaian. Fasa-fasa tersebut diintegrasikan dengan pelbagai entiti yang berkaitan khusus dengan teori Asas Seni Reka. Penekanan perisian ini ialah terhadap salah satu topik dalam pendidikan seni visual (PSV), iaitu logo, bagi pelajar Tingkatan empat. Pendekatan Kognitivisme-Konstruktivisrne diaplikasikan berdasarkan pelbagai teknik seperti: teknik Gestalt, pengecaman corak, dan scaffolding. Peri sian ini memuatkan enam modul. Modul Unsur Seni membantu pelajar memperolehi kemahiran membentuk garisan, ruang dan wama; modul Prinsip Rekaan pula, membantu pelajar memperoleh kemahiran mengenalpast.....

1447 hits

Geometric in Islamic art and design: infinite point or creativity through compass and digital
Hussin Ridzuan, Mokhtar Asmahan, Jantan Ramlan,
The creativity of earlier artists and sculptors in designing geometric are extraordinary provided with only a compass. Indeed, geometric in Islamic art and design are unique and have their own aesthetic values. In order to further understand geometric, self-learning with the approach of hands-on would be appropriate. For this study, Islamic themed geometrics designed and created, concerning only; i). The Square Repetition Unit and √2, ii). The Hexagonal Repetition Unit and √3 and iii) Double Hexagon. The aim of this research is to evaluate the creativity of Islamic geometric patterns artworks, through Fundamental Arts and Gestalt theory. Data was collected using specific tasks, and this research intends to identify the difference of Islamic geometric between 21 conventional (compass) untitled selected geometric artworks and 25 digital untitled geometric pattern artworks method. The evaluation of creativity, colors, layout, pattern and unity is known to be of utmost importance, alth.....

1669 hits

Keberkesanan persekitaran, imej dan huruf dalam pendidikan kanak-kanak prasekolah
Hussin Ridzuan, Ahmad Kamel Suraya, Mokhtar Asmahan,
Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti keberkesanan persekitaran, imej dan huruf dalam pendidikan kanak-kanak prasekolah. Kajian ini melibatkan responden seramai 20 orang kanak-kanak daripada Prasekolah Sekolah Kebangsaan Pusing, Batu Gajah, Perak. Metodologi kajian yang digunakan meliputi kajian kepustakaan dan melibatkan kaedah soal selidik tugasan sebagai alat pengukur. Hasil dapatan kajian mendapati imej dan huruf yang digunakan di prasekolah adalah signifikan dengan pengetahuan dan tahap kecerdasan kanak-kanak. Manakala, pengaruh persekitaran memainkan peranan penting dalam proses memahami imej dan huruf bagi kanak-kanak. Penggunaan imej dan huruf juga mampu meningkatkan minat dan menarik perhatian kanak-kanak di dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkan skor min pada tahap yang tinggi, di mana min Pengaruh Persekitaran dalam proses memahami imej dan huruf (M = 3.996 ± 0.286), min Penggunaan Imej & Huruf yang digunakan (M = 3.600 ± 0.265), dan mi.....

1871 hits

Analisis perkembangan bursa malaysia dan pasaran saham Islam di Malaysia
Mohd Hussin Mohd Yahya, Muhammad Fidlizan,
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perkembangan Pasaran Saham Islam (PSI) di Malaysia dari tahun 1999 hingga tahun 2009. PSI merupakan salah satu kompenan penting dalam Bursa Malaysia. Ia merujuk kepada transaksi jual beli saham yang mempunyai aktivitiaktiviti syarikat yang selaras dengan syariah dan diniagakan di Bursa Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian, Majlis Penasihat Syariah Suruhanjaya Sekuriti telah memperkenalkan senarai kaunter/saham lulus Syariah berdasarkan sumber utama (al-Quran dan al-Hadis) dan sumbersumber sokongan dan ã~åÜ~à= penyelidikan yang dipersetujui sebagai panduan kepada para pelabur untuk turut serta dalam bidang pelaburan Islam tanpa ragu-ragu. Hasilnya, jumlah kaunter/saham lulus syariah telah menguasai lebih 88 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan kaunter/saham di Bursa Malaysia dengan nilai permodalan pasaran sebanyak 63.8 peratus dari jumlah keseluruhan permodalan pasaran di Malaysia pada tahun 2009...

2819 hits

Kepelbagaian kaedah pungutan zakat : analisis di pusat pungutan zakat - Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan dari tahun 2003-2009
Muhammad Fidlizan, Mohd Hussin Mohd Yahya, Awang Salwa Amirah, Tahir Mohamed Abdul Majid,
This article aims to analyse the zakat payment method implemented by the Pusat Pungutan Zakat – Wilayah Persekutuan (PPZ-MAIWP). Based on data from 2003 to 2009, PPZ-MAIWP has recorded a positive trend of total annual zakat collection. This increasing trend was driven by the PPZ-MAIWP initiative to implement a variety of payment mechanisms in line with the needs and technological change. Thus, their initiatives can become a model to other charity institutions. Furthermore, it will also provide opportunities and facilitate Muslims in Malaysia fulfilling the Islamic pillars...

3867 hits

The integration of Islamic stock markets does a problem for investors?
Mohd Hussin Mohd Yahya, Yusof Yusni Anis, Muhammad Fidlizan, Abdul Razak Azila, Hashim Emilda, Marwan Nur Fakhzan,
This paper empirically investigates co-integration between Islamic stock market in Malaysia, Indonesia and the world by applying the Vector Auto Regression (VAR) method. This research used monthly data from January 2007 to May 2012 taken from authorized sources. The finding shows that there is no long-run or equilibrium relationship exists between FTSE Bursa Malaysia Emas Shariah (FBMES), Jakarta Islamic Index (JAKISL), and Dow Jones Islamic Market index (DJIM). Based on the result, hence, it can be concluded that the Islamic stock markets of Malaysia does not integrate with Indonesia’s, as well as with the world markets in the long run. This will create rooms for investors to diversify their investment portfolios, which puts Malaysia as one of their favoured investment destinations. From the Granger causality view, the return of JAKISL and DJIM is driven by the return of FBMES in the short run...

5764 hits

The best practices of human rights (Atham) programme in selected secondary schools in Malaysia
Chang Lee Hoon, Teng Jane, Yan Fang, Bucher Stefan, Basiran Nurhuda, Hussin Nafisah Ilham, Boyman Siti Norainizahhafizah,
The World Programme for Human Rights Education (2005 – ongoing), set up by United Nations General Assembly and coordinated by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) seeks to promote a common understanding of basic principles and methodologies of human rights education, to provide a realistic framework for action, and to strengthen partnerships and cooperation from international to grass-root levels. Aligned with the World Programme for Human Rights Education, the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) in partnership with the Ministry of Education Malaysia implemented the first phase of the Best Practices of Human Rights programme, known as the ATHAM programme in five selected secondary schools in Malaysia. A research study using mixed method sequential exploratory design was conducted to examine the schools’ experiences with the ATHAM program.....

1476 hits

Kesan dasar kewangan terhadap jenis kontrak pembiayaan perbankan Islam
Muhammad Fidlizan, Mohd Hussin Mohd Yahya, Abdul Razak Azila,
Kertas kerja ini bertujuan menganalisis kesan dasar kewangan terhadap jenis kontrak pembiayaan dalam sistem perbankan Islam (SPI) di Malaysia. Dua kategori kontrak ditawarkan dalam SPI iaitu kontrak pembiayaan berasaskan prinsip jual beli (Bai’) yang terdiri daripada kontrak Bai’ Bi Thaman Ajil (BBA), Ijarah (IJA), Ijarah Thumma al-Bai’ (ITHB) serta Murabahah (MRB) dan kategori kedua adalah berasaskan perkongsian iaitu kontrak Mudarabah (MDB) dan Musyarakah (MSK). Analisis bagi enam jenis kontrak ini dilakukan menggunakan model VAR melalui dua bentuk ujian iaitu Fungsi Tindak Balas (IRF) dan penguraian varian (VDC). Data bulanan dari bulan Januari, 2007 hingga bulan Jun, 2010 digunakan bagi mencapai tujuan kajian ini. Hasil daripada analisis IRF, kontrak BBA, IJA, MSK dan MDB sensitif dengan inovasi atau perubahan dalam pemboleh ubah dasar kewangan. Dapatan daripada ujian VDC pula menunjukkan pemboleh ubah kewangan mempunyai kekuatan relatif untuk meramal kontrak jual beli antara.....

3462 hits

Kepatuhan membayar zakat: analisis kutipan dan ketirisan zakat fitrah di Selangor
Mohd Hussin Mohd Yahya, Muhammad Fidlizan, Roshidi Ahmad Mohamad Ali,
This study aims to identify and analyse the number of collections of zakat fitrah in Selangor through the formal payment channel. By using the data on the amount of zakat fitrah collection, the number of Muslims and zakat fitrah collection rate in Selangor from 1995 to 2011, the research findings show that the amount of collection is increasing from year to year except for 1998. However, the number of payers who do not use the formal channel is also high. In addition, the amount of zakat fitrah leakage without going through formal institutions also demonstrates a large increase from RM1.8 million in 1995 to RM5.2 million in 2011. This result shows that the zakat institution is in need of continuous improvement involving the administration, management, and collection and distribution system...

2778 hits

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