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Simplified search suggestions : Mohamad Yusoff Mat Saad
Tahap kemahiran guru-guru pendidikan seni visual mangaplikasikan komputer dalam kalangan guru-guru sekolah menengah daerah Kubang Pasu Kedah
Mohamad Yusoff Mat Saad
The purpose of the study is to gauge the compentency level regarding the application of computer softwares among the secondary schools teachers of Visual Arts Education in the district of Kubang Pasu, Kedah. It was a case study using a qualitative approach. The respondents were selected using a purposive sampling method. A sample of seventeen respondents were involved in this study. The data was gethered through questionaire, interview an observation. These data were analyzed inductively and sistemetically. The results of the study had found that the respondents had achieved certain level of compentency including th application of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator softwares, ability to use the printer, scanners, projectors and digital cameras. They were also able to use computers in the teaching and learning process. However the study also revealed that the level of computer application among these respondents was low. Therefore, these Visual Arts Education teachers neded to be giv.....

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