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Simplified search suggestions : Mohamed Ibrahim
Knowledge of linguistic cues among malay ELF students and teachers’ practices in the teaching of reading skills
Ibrahim Abdul Halim, Mohamed Nor Mariam,
The objectives of this study were to investigate the reading ability of Malay students at primary and secondary schools, and teachers‟ practices in the teaching of reading skills. Miller‟s (1995) Reading Assessment Techniques, which comprised six tests, were used to test word and parsing identification miscues and reading comprehension. The subjects were 1989 students and 360 teachers from both rural and urban schools in Perak and Terengganu. Findings show that the majority of students were able to recognize linguistic cues at the word level. However, they had poor recognition of phrases and clauses, thus facing difficulties in processing sentences, especially complex sentences and main ideas in discourse (Ibrahim, Mohamed Nor, Abu, & Atan, 2007). Hence, the majority of students (Year 5, Form 1, 2 and 4) were unable to read textbooks provided by the Malaysian Ministry of Education because of higher readability levels (Carrell, 2001; Nation & Deweerdt, 2001). These findings could be.....

1743 hits

Kesan dasar pengajaran Matematik dan Sains dalam bahasa Inggeris di sekolah rendah
Haron Isahak, Gapor Abdul Latif, Masran Md Imasir, Ibrahim Abdul halim, Mohamed Nor Mariam,
Tujuan kajian ini ialah untuk melihat kesan dasar penggunaan Bahasa lnggeris sebagai bahasa pengantar Matematik dan Sains di sekolah (PPSMI), terutama di sekolah rendah: sejauh manakah dasar ini berkesan untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran dan prestasi murid dalam kedua-dua mata pelajaran ini; dan sejauh manakah ia meningkatkan kemahiran pelajar dalam Bahasa lnggeris, seperti yang diharapkan oleh Kerajaan apabila dasar ini diumumkan dalam Julai 2002, dan mula dilaksanakan pada awal tahun 2003. Kajian ini merupakan kajian tinjauan soal selidik dan ujian Matematik, Sains dan Bahasa lnggeris di kalangan sampel murid Tahun 5 di sekolah rendah dalam tiga kohort, iaitu tinjauan Februari 2007 (N=1564) dari 27 buah sekolah rendah, Julai 2007 (N= 636) dari 13 buah sekolah, dan Januari 2008 (N= 1703) dari 28 buah sekolah. Murid ini telah mengalamai pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa lnggeris selama empat tahun, iaitu sejak dasar ini mula diperkenalkan. Dapatan dari ketiga-tiga sampel ini .....

3083 hits

Reading skills of Malaysian students focus on the knowledge of linguistic cues
Ibrahim Abdul Halim, Mohamed Nor Mariam, Abu Abdul Ghani, Atan@Abdullah Azizah,
This study seeks to among others: create a bench-mark for ESL Malay students reading comprehension proficiency at the primary and secondary school level; identify the main factors that influence how much a student gains in reading achievement during a year of school; investigate the reasons as to why some students achieve high levels in reading while others do not and fail to read efficiently; find out what teachers do to increase their students' linguistic cues automatic recognition and reading achievement of what they read, whenever they read; document what teachers have done to increase ESL students' reading achievement and to suggest what teachers can do to increase students' reading achievement. The reading tests were conducted using Miller's (1995) Reading Assessment Techniques. There were six tests including: vocabulary tests, reading tests (word and parsing identification miscues), and reading comprehension tests. Participants were 1989 students and 360 teachers from both rural.....

2390 hits

Pembolehubah pendam teguh dalam model persamaan berstruktur kuasa dua terkecil separa
Mohamed Zulkifley, Ibrahim Kamarulzaman,
Model Persamaan Berstruktur (MPB) secara khususnya sesuai digunakan bagi memodelkan hubungkait antara konstruk bersandar dan tak bersandar berbilang secara serentak. MPB mampu menjawab set persoalan kajian yang berhubungkait secara komprehensif dan sistematik kebiasaannya dengan menggunakan dua pendekatan, iaitu, MPB berdasarkan anggaran kebolehjadian maksimum (MPB-AKM) dan kuasa dua terkecil separa (MPB-KTS). Bagi membangunkan MPB yang melibatkan konstruk pendam psikologi. Konstruk pendam psikologi perlu dianggarkan. Diketahui daripada beberapa kajian, data psikologi tidak bertaburan secara normal, dan wujud multikolinearan antara pembolehubah penunjuk yang membentuk pembolehubah konstruk tersebut. Dalam kajian ini, didapati bahawa wujud multikolinearan antara pembolehubah penunjuk dalam konstruk psikologi. Pendekatan MPB-AKM mengandaikan data bertaburan secara multivariat normal. Walau bagaimanapun pendekatan MPB-KTS adalah bebas-taburan, di samping tidak memerlukan andaian yang keta.....

979 hits

Penyelesaian masalah matrik songsang dengan menggunakan Kaedah Sepasang Sandwic (KSS) dan Operasi Baris Permulaan (OBP)
Ibrahim Zuzita, Mohamed Zulkifley,
Kebiasaannya, pelajar di peringkat matrikulasi menggunakan kaedah berupa ular untuk mendapatkan matrik songsang. Walaubagaimanapun kaedah berupa ular mengambil masa yang lama dan melibatkan langkah kerja yang panjang. Artikel ini membincangkan kaedah terbaik bagi mencari matrik songsang. Kaedah yang dicadangkan adalah Kaedah Sepasang Sandwic (KSS) dan Operasi Baris Permulaan (OBP). KSS yang dicadangkan mematuhi teorem OBP iaitu melibatkan pertukaran baris diganti dengan hasil tambah baris tersebut dengan baris yang lain. Ujian yang dilakukan mendapati dengan menggunakan KSS dalam mencari matrik songsang dapat menjimatkan masa dan mengurangkan kemungkinan kesilapan aljabar...

771 hits

Pengaruh penjajaran strategik di antara strategi sistem maklumat dan strategi pengurusan organisasi terhadap kejayaan sistem maklumat
Baharudin Razana, Ibrahim Mohamed,
637 hits

Rhetorical miracles in the case of deletion in Surat Al-Kahf
Mohamed Ibrahim
This study is concerned with some knowledge of the secrets of Quranic rhetoric. We subjected ourselves to the study of rhetoric and the knowledge of its secrets, its artists, and its flavor, especially what lies in the Holy Quran. And the studies of the scholars and the researchers' studies did not and will not stop the research, learning and education of the Holy Quran, and it has not been proven until now that anyone has studied the rhetoric and rhetoric grammar through the Qur’an’s systems and methods. The students ’questions - why, how, and what is the reasoning - about the rhetorical and grammatical causes and issues still invite the scholars to research, study, and discover, especially what is contained in the Holy Qur’an. Among these issues is the issue of “Al- Hazf wa Al-Zikr”. It is a difficult issue of “Ilm Al_ma`ani”. In the past, scholars were subjected to the omitted estimation to return the phrase to an ideal level. This was at the hands of linguists, gram.....

398 hits

The relationship between total quality management practices and academic performance of primary school and teaching innovation as mediator in Abu Dhabi
Alhosani, Mohamed Salem Ahmed Ibrahim
This study investigates total quality management practices (TQM) and primary school academic performance (PSAP) in Abu Dhabi: Teaching innovation as a mediator using a quantitative research design. The study also aspired to determine the relationship between TQM and teaching innovation, dimensions of TQM and PSAP, dimensions of teaching innovation and PSAP, and mediating role of teaching innovation on relationship between TQM and PSAP. A total of 342 teachers were chosen as a sample through quota and simple sampling. Data analysis using structural equation modelling was used. The findings revealed a significant relationship between TQM practices and primary school academic performance with a coefficient of (β=-0.88, p..

403 hits

Effect of polynomial shift in the method for finding the largest eigenvalue of a polynomial
Nurul Akmal Mohamed
A new method for finding the largest eigenvalue of a generalised nonnegative polynomial was introduced in 2014 by Ibrahim. The method was proven to be convergent for weakly irreducible polynomials. In the method, an irreducible polynomial is shifted such that it becomes primitive. However, it is illlkno\Vll what is the optimal shift and the effect of the step length to the method. In this study we examine the effect of the step leugtli to tlie metliod...

315 hits

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