UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)
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Simplified search suggestions : Mohammad Aziz Shah Mohamed Arip |
1 | 2010 thesis | Kesan kelompok bimbingan ke atas konsep kendiri, daya tahan dan kelangsangan remaja Mohammad Aziz Shah Mohamed Arip Kajian eksperimen ini bertujuan mengkaji kesan Kelompok Bimbingan Kecil Peningkatan Konsep Kendiri (KBKPKK) dan Kelompok Bimbingan Besar Peningkatan Konsep Kendiri (KBBPKK) yang berorientasikan pendekatan gabungan Terapi Tingkahlaku-Kognitif dan Model Konsep Kendiri Multidimensi (TTKMKKM) di kalangan remaja pertengahan yang sederhana rendah dalam konsep kendiri. Keberkesanan intervensi KBKPKK dan KBBPKK diukur dari segi peningkatan konsep kendiri, penilaian konsep kendiri - rakan sebaya, daya tahan dan pengurangan kelangsangan kumpulan rawatan. Kajian dijalankan terhadap pelajar tingkatan empat di dua buah sekolah menengah di daerah Hulu Selangor, Selangor. Soal selidik yang digunakan mengandungi maklumat peribadi dan empat soal selidik kajian iaitu Skala Konsep Kendiri Multidimensi (SKKM), Skala Penilaian Konsep Kendiri - Rakan Sebaya (SPKK-RS), Skala Daya Tahan Remaja (SDTR) dan Soal Selidik Kelangsangan (SK). Seramai 104 subjek dipilih memasuki dua jenis kelompok rawatan dan satu ke..... 1798 hits |
2 | 2017 article | The effects of career integration module as a strategy to assists the undergraduates in career selection Mustafa Muhammad Bazlan, Bistamam Mohammad Nasir, Mohamed Arip Mohammad Aziz Shah, Syed Salim Syed Sofian, Mohd Jais Samsiah, 2170 hits |
3 | 2017 article | Mental health and trauma counselling module as strategy to enhance counsellors competency in handling trauma cases caused by flood calamity Bistamam Mohammad Nasir, Mohd Jais Samsiah, Mat Rani Nurul Hasyimah, Mohamed Arip Mohammad Aziz Shah, Ismail Noraini, Mustafa Muhammad Bazlan, 3187 hits |
4 | 2019 article | The construction, effectiveness and reliability of mental health inventory among students in Malaysia Mohammad Aziz Shah bin Mohamed Arip The research aims to construct, acquire the validity and reliability of Mental Health Inventory (MHI). The MHI's questionnaire aims to measure the level of Mental Health for the subscales of positive and negative thoughts, positive and negative feelings and positive and negative behaviors of individuals aged 13 to 19. The construction of MHI is based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy theoretical basis pioneered by Aeron Beck (1967). This inventory contains 60 items that measure 3 subscales. Subscale 1: Positive and negative thoughts, subscale 2: Positive and negative, subscale 3: Positive and negative behavior. Each subscale has 20 positive items and 10 negative items. In order to achieve the reliability, MHI was evaluated by eight expertise consisting of 4 academicians and 4 specialists in psychology, counseling and education. 146 students were chosen to be the respondents from schools in the state of Perak to achieve the reliability. The overall validity of MHI is acceptable which at 0..... 1092 hits |
5 | 2019 article | Development, validity and reliability for motivation of success to University inventory Mohammad Aziz Shah bin Mohamed Arip The study aims to build, acquire content validity and reliability of the Motivation of Success to University Inventory (MSUI). MSUI built on the combination of Motivation of Success to University Counseling Model (MSUCM) formulated by Mohammad Aziz Shah1 (2010) and the approach of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). MSUCM said there are seven strategies that need to be met in the hierarchy in building successful motivation to university; 1) Trigger Self-Awareness (TSA), 2) Build Motivation to Learn (BML), 3) Developing Self Potential (DSP), 4) Setting Life Goals (SLG), 5) Time and Learning Management (TLM), 6) Mastering Study Skills (MSS) and 7) Avoiding Social Problems (ASP). However, CBT explain approaches, concepts, techniques, activities and items in MSUI relationship based on thinking and behavior that affect mood. MSUI contains 70 positive items (10 items for each sub scale) represented by seven sub scale of sub scale 1: Trigger Self-Awareness (TSA), sub scale 2: Build Motivation..... 967 hits |
6 | 2021 article | Development, validation and reliability of Schizophrenia Stage Inventory (SSI) Mohammad Aziz Shah Mohamed Arip This study aimed to develop, validate the content and reliability of the Schizophrenia Stage Inventory (SSI). SSI is built based on the integration of the symptoms of Schizophrenia which have been described by the Ministry of Health Malaysia as mental disorders, perceptual disorders and behavioral disorders. Overall, SSI has 21 items divided into Sub Scale 1: Disturbing Thinking (7 items), Sub Scale 2: Perceptual Disorder (7 items), and Sub Scale 3:Behavior Disruption (7 items). The SSI was given to twelve expert’s panel which consists of six member of the academics and six lecturers of Guidance and Counseling Courses. The SSI has good content validity for overall of 8.76, while the validity of the content based on the Mindset Disorders sub-scale is 8.80, the Perception Disorders sub-scale is 8.70, and the Behavioral Disorders sub-scale is 8.80. This indicates that SSI has high content of validity. The reliability of SSI was tested randomly among 45 respondents consisting of social w..... 962 hits |
7 | 2021 article | Development, validity and reliability of Depression Level Inventory (DLI) Mohammad Aziz Shah Mohamed Arip The purpose of this study is to build, test the content validity and reliability of Depression Level Inventory (DLI). DLI is built based on the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) introduced by Aaron T. Beck in 1964. DLI contains 21 negative items divided into 3 sub-scales and each sub-scale contains of 7 items. These three sub-scales are Sub-Scale 1: Depression Thinking, Sub Scale 2: Depression Emotions and Sub-Scale 3: Depression Behavior. The content validity of DLI is evaluated by 12 expert panels comprising psychologists, counseling, education and human resource management. Reliability analysis consisted of 45 respondents aged 18-21. The overall validity of DLI was high at 0.873 (87.3%). The overall reliability value was .838. As such, this study has produced an DLI questionnaire that has good validity and reliability and is useful to use in the field of psychology, guidance and counseling in Malaysia.
Keywords: Depression Level Inventory, Content Validity, Reliability, Cognitive ..... 741 hits |
8 | 2021 article | The effectiveness of cognitive restructuring on depression among university students: Neo-CBT case study Mohammad Aziz Shah Mohamed Arip Nowadays, depression is one of famous mental disorder among university students. This proven by National Institute of Mental Health (2012) many people experience the first symptom of depression during their college years or in other word, young adult years, but many depressed college students are not seeking the help they need. In 2011, about 30 percent of college students were reported feeling so depressed that it was difficult for them to sometimes function (American College Health Association (ACHA), 2012).This research aims to study the effectiveness of cognitive restructuring techniques university students that experienced depression. This qualitative study uses a case study approach on three students of university students in Malaysia who are suffering from depression. The purpose of this research are: i) to identify the thought patterns of students experiencing depression ii) to apply the cognitive restructuring technique to reduce depression among university students iii) to id..... 909 hits |