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Simplified search suggestions : Mohammed Muayad Taha
Factors influencing the productive performance of selected goat breeding systems in Malaysia
Mohammed Muayad Taha
This research was carried out to investigate the factors that influence the productive performance of crossbreeding in goats under controlled feeding and managing. A total of 205 goats from Al Hilmi Agrofarm, Slim River, Perak were used in this study. These goats comprised of three indigenous breeds, namely, Katjang, Boer, and Jamnapari, and their hybrids. Sixty female goats were divided into 2 groups; treatment group (n = 30) which received Controlled Internal Drug Release (CIDR) for 9 consecutive days and artificial insemination was done on the 10th day, and a control group (n = 30) with normal breeding. Adult goats and their kids from each groups were weighed weekly and blood samples were withdrawn in every 2 weeks. Blood samples were collected into two types of tubes; containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) for hematological studies and without EDTA for protein profiling and gene polymorphism. ANOVA and t-test were used to see if there is any significant differences on st.....

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