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Total records found : 3 |
Simplified search suggestions : Mohd Fauzi Elias |
1 | 2017 article | A review on the Malaysian Aquilaria species in Karas Plantation and Agarwood Production Mohd Fauzi Elias Malaysia is one of the countries which is rich in its flora and fauna bio-diversity. Malaysian forest products have been exploited since ancient times for its high economic values. One of these high economic value products is agarwood. Thymelaeacea is one medium-size family tree where it is estimated to consist of 50 genera and 900 species of which many can be found in Africa, Australia and Asia. Most species of Aquilaria in Thymelaeaceae family produced agarwood or ‘gaharu’. Aquilaria malaccensis is a species of the highest recorded number of planting by karas tree farmers and known as the primary producer of agarwood in Malaysia. Agarwood is non timber forest product it is one of the precious wood on earth and prized for its rich and wonderful fragrance. Agarwood is formed due to the phathological process as respond to fungal infection or chemically stimulated. This paper seek to understand in general the type of karas trees species most favoured by karas farmers and to know what..... 1460 hits |
2 | 2020 article | Effect of different chemical formulation on agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis) resin weight Mohd Fauzi Elias Agarwood is described as fragrance, smelling wood that is usually derived from the trunk of genus Aquilaria The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate four chemical-based inoculants to induce karas tree to form agarwood resin. Four chemical inoculants were applied into 6 years old karas tree (Aquilaria malaccensis) plantations in Slim River, Perak, Malaysia using dripping techniques. The inoculant used were labelled as A, B, C and D. Commercial inoculant was also used for comparison purposes and labelled as K while a healthy tree, act as control was labelled as N. After four months of inoculation, these samples were cut down and discoloured tissue samples were collected. Solvent extraction method using dichloromethane (DCM) was carried out to obtain the resin crude extract from plant tissues of the samples. All chemical formulation used were succesfully stimulated sample trees to produce resin. Inoculant B produced the highest crude extract recovery (5.49%) compared to ino..... 673 hits |
3 | 2020 thesis | Potensi inokulan terpilih terhadap penghasilan resin oleh Aquilaria malaccensis Lam Mohd Fauzi Elias Kajian ini berkenaan potensi inokulan terpilih terhadap penghasilan resin oleh
Aquilaria malaccensis Lam (pokok karas). Objektif utama penyelidikan ialah untuk menghasilkan
inokulan bagi mengaruh pokok karas untuk menghasilkan resin. Kawasan kajian terletak
di ladang karas Kampung Tambak, Slim River, Perak yang melibatkan sebanyak 36 pokok karas
berusia enam tahun. Inokulan yang telah dihasilkan dilabel sebagai A, B, C dan D, manakala
inokulan berlabel K merupakan inokulan komersil. Kumpulan kawalan dilabelkan sebagai N, merupakan
pokok sihat tanpa rawatan. Setiap pokok telah disuntik sebanyak 80 ml inokulan. Tempoh masa kajian
adalah selama 12 bulan. Penebangan pokok untuk setiap kumpulan bagi mendapatkan resin yang
terbentuk adalah pada setiap sela masa empat bulan. Pelarut organik; iaitu heksana.
diklorometana dan metanol telah digunakan untuk ..... 938 hits |