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Simplified search suggestions : Mohd Hassan Abdullah |
1 | 2012 article | Enrichment of Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (Anammox) bacteria for Biological Nitrogen removal of wastewater Yusof Norjan, Abdullah Hanisom, Samsudin Syakirah, Hassan Mohd Ali, 6330 hits |
2 | 2017 article | A comparative study of beginning teacher induction in Malaysia and Victoria (Australia) : a review of the literature Paronjodi Ganesh Kumar, Jusoh Ahmad Jazimin, Abdullah Mohd Hassan, 5760 hits |
3 | 2017 article | Formulating a conceptual framework for teacher clinical xxperience and induction in Malaysia teacher education: a retrospective account of teacher trainers Mohd Hassan Abdullah This paper depicts how a conceptual framework for teacher clinical experience and induction was formulated in a five-year research programme funded by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. The framework is an outcome of research idea conceptualization, which is meant for the development of a teacher clinical experience and induction model. It depicts specific analytical propositions that shape the key concepts associated to teacher education, which in turn illustrates how these concepts relate to each other and forms the conceptual framework. This paper also demonstrates how relevant middle range theories support the personal, professional and contextual dimensions of clinical experience in teacher education. The theorysupported framework was enriched by five evidence-based guiding principles, leading to the creation of a provisional model that can direct the administration and supervision of trainee teachers when they undertake clinical experience and induction in actual schools.. 425 hits |
4 | 2020 article | Aree Lkhua Song: a musicological analysis of Pakapel tradition among the Kelabit Tribe in the Upper Baram river, Sarawak Mohd Hassan Abdullah The Kelabit are among the indigenous tribe dwelling in about sixteen small villages deep in the Borneo tropical rainforest near to the Indonesian border. The nearest town is Miri, which is only accessible via logging dirt road or a nineteen-sitter airplane served by Mas Wings rural air service. The tribe who mostly settled in longhouses used to be known with their headhunting tradition possess a very unique musical culture. Aree lakhua is a match-making song sung by young unmarried women in Pakapel tradition to attract single man to marry her. With the intrusion of western musical culture as well as the influence of Christianity in the society, this tradition is now no longer widely practiced and soon will be extinct. This work aims to reveal and analyse the musical aspect of the pakapel tradition among the Kelabit society. Using a combination of musicological and ethnographic approaches, the author presents the functional facts as well as analysing the musical aspects of the song. Thi..... 594 hits |
5 | 2001 conference_item | DPMP: wadah perjuangan penulis Pahang Syed Abdullah Syed Ahmad, DPMP ditubuhkan pada 17 Mei 1957 di Sekolah Laki-laki Temerloh. Kira-kira seratus orang penulis, peminat, guru-guru, ustaz merupakan tenaga awal penubuhannya dan mereka inilah yang hadir pada hari yang bersejarah itu. Antara objektif penubuhannya ialah menyatukan penulis-penulis, peminat sastera dan penggiat budaya ke dalam suatu organisasi yang berperlembagaan. Sebelum itu Pahang telah mempunyai penulis yang menulis bersendirian seperti Dato' Shihabudin Zainal Abidin (ulama) yang banyak menghasilkan karya agama dalam genre syair. Dalam kurun kelima belas hingga ketujuh belas tradisi menulis terus menerus disambung pula oleh Cikgu Ahmad Kotot, Hikayat Percintaan Kasih Kemudaan diterbitkan tahun 1928. Cikgu Ahmad adalah bekas penuntut Maktab Perguruan Melaka sebelum berpindah ke Tanjung Malim. Selepas itu timbul pula penulis IBHY iaitu Ibrahim Haji Yaacob yang banyak menulis rencana-rencana tentang nasib dan perjuangan orang-orang Melayu. Beliau merupakan pelajar Sultan Idris Training C..... 1507 hits |
6 | 2023 article | Pemikiran wasatiyyah Mohd Kamal Hassan: sebuah ulasan kritis Ghazali Awang Setelah berlaku beberapa peristiwa keganasan, umat Islam telah dituduh sebagai terroris, ganas dan ekstremis. Fenomena ini berlawanan dengan visi Islam di mana umat Islam adalah umat terbaik dan agama Islam adalah agama sempurna. Keadaan ini juga menyusahkan ramai umat Islam dan perlu diperbetulkan. Beberapa orang ilmuwan Islam termasuk Mohd Kamal Hassan (selepas ini disebut Kamal Hassan) telah melaungkan konsep wasatiyyah bagi menerangkan yang Islam tidak begitu. Penyelidikan ini bercorak kualitatif dan menggunakan kaedah deskriptif, analisis dan sintesis. Konsep wasatiyyah adalah satu ajaran Islam yang sangat kukuh. Konsep in berasal daripada al-Qur’an dan pemahaman mengenainya disokong oleh Hadith Nabi SAW, pentafsir al-Qur’an seperti Sheikh Abdullah Basmeih, Ibnu Kathir, Muhammad Asad, Sayyed Qutb, Wahbah Az-Zuhaili dan Yusuf al-Qardhawi. Konsep ini disokong dan diperkukuhkan lagi dengan konsep-konsep dan ciri-ciri Islam termasuk konsep ketuhanan, kemanusiaan, konsep syumul, ko..... 45 hits |