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Simplified search suggestions : Mohd Kipli Abdul Rahman |
1 | 2017 article | "Oooohh ngalai! sudah hilangkah tulah": a healing ritual performance of Bajau Samah Community in Kota Belud, Sabah, Malaysia Mohd Kipli Abdul Rahman This study explores into the ngalai ritual performance practiced by Bajau Samah community in Kota Belud, Sabah, Malaysia which serves as a healing method. The study was done using a qualitative approach through the ethnographic strategy application concentrating on the relationship between behaviour and culture. In terms of performance, ngalai is a combination of the elements of dance, singing, music and acting. Traditionally, the ngalai ritual is performed for healing purposes that is based on the animistic religious beliefs which is derived from believe in the existence of spirits (metaphysical entity). Individual who is able to see spirits is said to be capable and have the privilege of curing a disease caused by tulah (plague) due to the interference of spirits. The community of ngalai practitioners believes that the physical world is influenced by the metaphysical world, especially where it concerned the existence of other worldly beings, the myths and spirits associated with thei..... 1055 hits |
2 | 2017 article | Ngalai ritual: a communal healing performance Mohd Kipli Abdul Rahman This study delves into the ngalai ritual performance practiced by Bajau Samah community in Kota Belud, Sabah, Malaysia which serves as a healing method. The study was done using a qualitative approach through the ethnographic strategy application concentrating on the relationship between behaviour and culture. In terms of performance, ngalai is a combination of the elements of dance, singing, music and acting. Traditionally, the ngalai ritual is performed for healing purposes that is based on the animistic religious beliefs which is derived from believe in the existence of spirits (metaphysical entity). Individual who is able to see spirits is said to be capable and have the privilege of curing a disease caused by tulah (plague) due to the interference of spirits. “The community of ngalai practitioners believe that the physical world is influenced by the metaphysical world, especially where it concerned the existence of other worldly beings, the myths and spirits associated with thei..... 689 hits |
3 | 2017 article | Berasik healing ritual performance: illness etiology perspectives amongst Bajau sama natives practices Hussain Chin Lena Farida, Abdul Rahman Mohd Kipli, 1511 hits |
4 | 2017 article | Post-modernism Malay theater performance as the medium of political commentary about political events surrounding contemporary Malay community in Malaysia Nor Hashim Nor Shuradi, Hussain Chin Lena Farida, Abdul Rahman Mohd Kipli, 1792 hits |
5 | 2019 article | The Use of ‘Teacher in Role to Facilitate Teaching and Learning of History: Lessons in a Primary School Mohd Kipli Abdul Rahman Teachers in schools in Malaysia excessively use ‘role play’ to facilitate their teaching and learning. A form of theatre game known as ‘teacher in role’ is hardly used by Malaysian teachers although it is an instrumental technique for developing students’ learning ability. A research was conducted in a primary school to introduce the method of ‘teacher in role’. The teacher or facilitator takes on a role in the drama and plays along with the pupils. The teacher has to choose a piece of costume or a prop to signify that they are in the role. As soon as the teacher puts on the costume or picks up the prop, he/she becomes the chosen character and manages the learning opportunities from within the drama. Education 4.0, emphasizes on a holistic teaching method designed to assimilate critical thinking, scrutiny of emotion and moral values and to expand the learning experience and make it more relevant to everyday life situations and the ‘teacher in role’ method echos this p..... 789 hits |
6 | 2019 article | Feminine Movements of Seri Rama in Wayang Kulit Kelantan Mohd Kipli Abdul Rahman Seri Rama is a protagonist character in the repertoire of Hikayat Seri Rama which is performed in Wayang Kulit Kelantan. However, this protagonist character is a fine character that holds high feminine attributes. Therefore, to characterize these feminine attributes, gender schema theory is used as a reference by utilizing Bem Sex-Role Inventory as the quantifying measurement tool. There are three assessment techniques to analyze the feminine attributes, however this research analyses the feminine attributes of Seri Rama through the movements conducted by the dalang (puppeteer) during the performance. The movements of gambalan (puppets) have distinct differencesmbetween each gambalan and this shows that every characters has its own identity.These observed feminine attributes shows that a ruler like Seri Rama holds feminine traits... 744 hits |
7 | 2019 article | Saba social theater: the solution for the conflict of supernatural characters as a healing process Mohd Kipli Abdul Rahman This study explores the conflict solution of supernatural characters in saba social theatre as a healing process. A qualitative method using an ethnographic approach is applied to explain the association between behaviour and culture. Referring to the field of cosmology, the universe has unravelled all the things that happen in the physical and metaphysical worlds, and that is asserted by human existence. Creativity in the production of human arts results from a relationship between humans and the universe, reflected in the existence of the cosmological relationship of the artist and their religious beliefs. This is also related to four cosmic elements: land, water, fire and wind. The work of art is also believed to have its own soul. The supernatural conflicts in the saba social theatre are examined to expose the existence of the physical and metaphysical cosmos underlying the world views of the saba ritual practitioners as a form of social theatre for healing. The saba social theatre..... 774 hits |
8 | 2019 article | An embodiment of spiritual characters in saba rituals dance performance: a manifestation of cosmic symbols Mohd Kipli Abdul Rahman The embodiment of spiritual characters (supernatural characters) in saba ritual dance performance is the main focus of this study. Through the qualitative method with the ethnography approach, this work seeks to explain the relationship between behaviour and culture. An analysis was done through the cosmology theory application which observes that the natural phenomenon covers real and supernatural events also the position of the people in it. The relationship between man and nature creates creativity in works of art. The work created is a mark of the existence of the cosmological relationship of the artist and his religious belief. This is related to the four cosmic elements namely soil, water, fire, and wind. The works of art are also believed to have their soul. The application of cosmology theory integrates the existence of the physical and the metaphysic cosmic dimensions that underlie the views of the practitioners in regarding the saba ritual dance as a ritual for healing. The d..... 813 hits |
9 | 2021 article | Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs): acting method as approach of critical pedagogy in education culture Mohd Kipli Abdul Rahman The writing of this social science concept paper is conducted to explore the elements acting method implementation a Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) in education. Therefore, by researching the understanding of Secondary School Standard Curriculum (KSSM) in the implementation of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs), and how teachers make critical transformations Incorporate into the teaching plan, and implement teaching through the curriculum. The research was intended to introduce the modification of the acting method as an alternative method or known as critical pedagogy to strengthening the student aspirations. In addition, the acting method in depth through the transformation approach of Theater Arts such as Constantine Stanislavky (1946), Bertolt Brecht (1956) and Augusto Boal (1978). The culture of education in Malaysia, which is still based on a teacher-centered pedagogical approach, raises the question of the extent to which Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs) can be implemen..... 820 hits |