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Simplified search suggestions : Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak |
1 | 2018 article | Performance based pay management as a determinant of procedural justice Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak The main objective of this study is to examine the relationship between performance based pay management (i.e., communication and participation) and procedural justice. A survey methods were used to collect selfreport survey of employees in currier service company. The SmartPLS path model analysis revealed two main findings: first, communication was significantly correlated with procedural justice. Second, participation was significantly correlated with procedural justice. These findings demonstrate that the ability of managers to properly implement performance based pay management may invoke feelings of procedural justice among employees in the organization. This study provides three important implications: first, this study may serve great potential for understanding the effect of communication and, participation in strengthening perception of procedural justice among employees in the organization. Second, the survey questionnaire used in this study had satisfactorily met the standar..... 895 hits |
2 | 2016 article | Job satisfaction as a determinant of organizational commitment Ismail Azman, Abd Razak Mohd Ridwan, 8149 hits |
3 | 2021 article | Interactional fairness as a mediator between merit-based pay management and organizational commitment Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak The purpose of this quantitative study was to evaluate the ability of interactional fairness as a mediator in the relationship between merit-based pay management (such as communication and performance assessment) and organizational commitment. A cross-sectional technique was used to collect 450 useable data of workers from a government-linked company (GLC), who had served more than five years in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. The outcomes of the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) path model analysis indicated three important findings. First, communication and performance assessment was significantly correlated with interactional fairness. Second, interactional fairness was significantly correlated with organizational commitment. Third, communication, performance assessment and interactional fairness were significantly correlated with organizational commitment. Statistically, the findings of this study verified that the relationship between communication and perfor..... 663 hits |
4 | 2021 article | Structural relationship between pay administration and employees commitment: a case study in Pos Malaysia Berhad Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak Pay administration is one of the most important functions in the organisational administration domain. Contemporary research shows that the capability of an organisation’s administrator to share the information about pay administration, encourage employees’ engagement in pay administration, and enforce good performance evaluation may have a positive and significant influence on employees’ commitment toward the organisation. However, there is a limited explanation about the importance of pay administration as an important factor in the organisational pay administration domain. This study is performed to analyse the importance and performance of each element in pay administration towards employee commitment. Main data are collected from 400 self-report questionnaires filled by the employees of Pos Malaysia Berhad in Klang Valley. The results of Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) stipulate that pay administration is positively and significantly interrelate..... 567 hits |
5 | 2021 article | Kesan keadilan organisasi terhadap kepuasan kerja dalam sektor perkhidmatan di Malaysia Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak Keadilan organisasi merujuk kepada perasaan keadilan yang wujud hasil daripada penilaian pekerja terhadap cara pentadbiran dan proses pembuatan keputusan dalam organisasi iaitu merupakan elemen penting dalam pentadbiran organisasi. Hal ini kerana ia berupaya memberi kesan secara langsung kepada kejayaan sesebuah organisasi. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menilai hubungan antara keadilan organisasi yang terdiri daripada keadilan interaksi dan keadilan prosedur dengan kepuasan kerja dalam sektor perkhidmatan. Kajian ini telah dijalankan di sebuah organisasi perkhidmatan pos dan kurir terbesar di Malaysia dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sebanyak 450 responden yang terdiri daripada pelbagai peringkat pekerja di organisasi kajian dari seluruh Malaysia. Hasil analisis menggunakan perisian SmartPLS menunjukkan tiga dapatan yang penting. Pertama, terdapat perhubungan yang signifikan antara keadilan organisasi dan kepuasan kerja. Kedua, terdapat perhubungan yang signifikan antara k..... 688 hits |