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Simplified search suggestions : Mohd Yusof Zulkefli
Controlling inappropriate sexual behaviour among autism spectrum disorder teenagers using virtual social story
Mohd Yusof Zulkefli
This research aimed to elaborate in detail on the virtual social story usage in controlling the sexual behaviour cues among autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) teenagers. The research objectives are to identify inappropriate sexual behaviour cues, develop a checklist for recognising sexual behaviour cues, modify sexual behaviour using virtual social stories, and analyse the changes in sexual behaviour after using virtual social stories. The research involved 12 ASD male participants between the age of 13 to 18 years old with apparent sexual behaviour problems. This case study was based on observations, interviews, and analytical documentation in collecting the data. The instruments used were interview protocol, checklist, observation notes, and progress reports for data collection. Observation and documentation data were descriptively analysed, whilst interview data was thematically transcribed. The finding shows that the participants displayed several characteristics of sexual.....

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