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Simplified search suggestions : Muhamad Hariz Muhamad Adnan
A framework of heterogeneous cloud service and multi attributes negotiation using double auction
Muhamad Hariz Muhamad Adnan
Many double auction frameworks have been proposed for cloud service negotiations [1]. However, the frameworks are not able to accommodate both the heterogeneous cloud services and multi-attributes negotiation simultaneously. Therefore, this paper proposed a double-auction framework to accommodate heterogeneous cloud services and multi-attributes negotiation. The study postulated four activities namely literature review, cloud service marketplace investigation, data formulation and double auction-based negotiation framework development. The market requirements, auction requirements and two new mechanisms of a double auction framework have been proposed  ..

727 hits

Model of an intelligent and automated negotiation agent for the service level agreement negotiation process in cloud computing
Muhamad Hariz Muhamad Adnan
With the help of an intelligent agent, a cloud service provider (CSP) offers various services and resources to their customers over the internet. Consumers and CSPs in the cloud market are in a constant state of negotiation over their individual needs. Competition among CSPs is fierce because of the enormous number of CSPs in the market. Intelligent negotiation agents are highly demanding as a timesaving and success rate-enhancing tool. While negotiating, multiple attributes such as price, resources, reliability, CSP performance, utility value, and many more are considered. Theres increased false negotiations, faulty servers, and exorbitant fees are all issues arising because of the forever changing CSP market. An intelligent and automated negotiation agent (IANA) understands the conduct of the opponent and the needs of both parties. This need of users and CSP information is utilized in negotiations to find the best possible delivery of services between the customer and the CSP. As a r.....

88 hits

A user-priorities-based strategy for three-phase intelligent recommendation and negotiating agents for cloud services
Muhamad Hariz Muhamad Adnan
As the field of information technology expands, there is a huge need for cloud service providers (CSP). CSP's vast solutions and services support Cloud, IoT, Fog, and Edge computing. In today's competitive cloud market, customer satisfaction is critical more than ever. CSP and consumer satisfaction with service level agreement (SLA) fulfillment have always been given more attention. As a result of signing SLA and CSP agreements to supply resources in high demand, customers are now experiencing issues with resource delivery. Cloud and heterogeneous environments necessitate an intelligent recommender and negotiation agent model (IRNAM) to handle responsibilities in the current system. The Recommender system recommends CSP as per users' priorities, which eases the filtration process. The negotiation process provided by IRNAM ensures that users' choices are prioritized with maximum jobs to CSP. IRNAM keeps track of the most critical metrics and can reach decisions quickly and for the best .....

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