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Simplified search suggestions : Muhammad Asyraf Mohd Bakri |
1 | 2021 article | Comparison analysis of sound of through notation ‘A produced by Angklung Instruments which are made from different species of bamboo Muhammad Asyraf Mohd Bakri Angklung is a traditional musical instrument that originated in Indonesia and later been established in Malaysia since the 1930s. The tube is the most important part of the angklung. Almost 100% of the material used in making/producing the angklung instrument is from bamboo. There are 3 types of bamboo species commonly used in producing the angklung. Mostly use is the Gigantochloa atroviolaceae widjaja species of bamboo and two option is Gigantochloa scortechinii and Bambusa vulgaris. In this study, the results of the note ‘a’ sound recordings from all three species were performed by ‘kerulung’ technique and the comparison between the three species was carried out through frequency sound analysis using: audio waze, spectrogram and fast Fourier transform (FFT) using adobe audition software. The results showed a character difference through the timber element of the species of bamboo material to the sound analysis.
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2 | 2021 article | Gambus Melayu and its therapeutics purposes Muhammad Asyraf Mohd Bakri The advantage of musical instruments is that they may produce sound not just for pleasure but also as a therapeutic tool. One of a major musical instrument that is often used among the Arabs namely oud. The application of this musical instruments is reinforced by the establishment of Othmaniah’s hospitals that also use in music therapy in the time of Islamic civilisation. Oud already evolved in Malay Archipelago in the 15th century in recognised as gambus and become part of key traditional musical instrument of local popular music. This study aims to identify the use of gambus and its applicability for therapeutic purposes. This research objective is to explore the philosophical theory of Islamic music therapy and to determine the support or contradiction of the use of gambus as a tool in therapy. The research method employed qualitative descriptive method; where data is obtained technically through library techniques, then the data is analysed based on the formulated problem, follow..... 253 hits |