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Simplified search suggestions : Mujahid Ghouri Arsalan
A model of lecturers\ power motivation, empowerment, perceived inequality, internal service quality and burnout to students satisfaction
Mohamad Yusof Abdul Raheem, Yeop Yunus Nek Kamal, Mujahid Ghouri Arsalan,
Education is most fundamental need for nations now, today's developed and dominating nations in trade and commerce etc. were emphasize on education in past and now they are enjoying the ultimate result. Providing best education opportunities are investment by government which will produce the finest, skillful and knowledgeable human resource for their nation! economy. If individuals see the good education opportunities and chances then they are ready to invest their time and money to secure their future. Education bound teachers and students to balanced and enhance the social and economic perspective, which could be happen on international stage too. This study explores the relationship of student satisfaction with power motivation, empowerment, internal service quality, perceived inequality and burnout. This study also find empirically how burnout link with student satisfaction when it effect combine with other variables e.g. power motivation, empowerment, internal service quality and.....

2291 hits

The relationship between marketing practices, capabilities, orientation and performance of the service sector small medium entreprises in Pakistan
Ghouri, Arsalan Mujahid
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between marketing practices, capabilities, orientation and performance of the service sector Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Pakistan. The data was collected from 240 randomly selected samples of SMEs in Karachi, Lahore and Faisalabad. The three cities were selected because they contributed the highest revenue to the country Gross Domestic Products. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. The results showed that marketing practices, marketing capabilities and market orientation together explained 41.4 percent of the variance in the firm performance. Results of the study illustrated that marketing is weakly correlated to service sector SMEs of Pakistan, as marketing decision makers are not fully viable to marketing and its aspects due to their financial limitations. Therefore, it can be concluded that the study provides the idea that marketing practices, marketing capabilities an.....

1018 hits

Adaptation of RFID technology in business supply chain success : empirical findings from a developing country logistic industry
Khan Naveed R., Haq Mirza A., Ghouri Arsalan Mujahid, - Abdul Razoq, Syed Muhammad Moiz,
2254 hits

The dataset for validation of customer inspiration construct in Malaysian context
Arsalan Mujahid Ghouri
This study intended to validate customer inspiration (CI)in Malaysian/developing country context. Data were collected from two different respondents for two studies - from Millennial customers of the auto industry and Generation Z customers of the smartphone industry. The survey conducted through a standardized and structured questionnaire. The variables of the both studies were customer-defined market orientation (MO) (customer orientation, competitor orientation, and interfunctional coordination), CI (inspired-by and inspired-to), and customer loyalty (CL). This research strategy, in terms of quantity, is descriptive and correlational. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out, using ADANCO 2.0. The finding of the study suggests all results of data 1 and data 2 were significant, and CI mediates the sub-constructs of MO with CL.  ..

1131 hits

Consumer psychographic and demographic characteristics towards female endorsement in advertising
Arsalan Mujahid Ghouri
Nowadays advertising has become a lifeline for business and endorsement of a females in advertising has become an unavoidable fact. Over a few decades, a wide range of researches have been carried out on female role portrayal in advertisements however, the role of demographic factors to moderate the relationship between consumer attitudes and responses towards female endorsement in print advertisement is yet to examine. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the role of demographic factors as a moderator to influence the response towards female endorsement in print advertisements. A survey was administered on 296 respondents from urban cities of Pakistan through questionnaires. The major findings of this study are that gender, income, education and geographic location do not moderate the relationship between attitude and response towards female endorsement in print advertisement. It was also found that male consumers as compared to females perceive that the presence of a.....

1350 hits

An empirical study of real-time information-receiving using industry 4.0 technologies in downstream operations
Mujahid Ghouri, Arsalan
Industry 4.0 requires firms to adopt the latest technology to be more effective. However, previous studies have not addressed customer engagement (CE) and its direct benefit (buying) and indirect benefits (referring, influencing, and feedback) using modern technologies such as industry 4.0. The present study analyses customer engagement in regard to real-time information receiving (RTIR) in the downstream operations implemented through software-as-a-service technology. The data is collected from 533 customers of small businesses in retail, food & beverages, and accommodation sectors. The study's empirical model is validated using the theory of information sharing (ToIS). The outcomes specify that RTIR is the antecedent of CE. The results show the mediation effect of customer orientation on RTIR and CE relationship. The study also confirms that gender moderates three out of the four examined relationships between RTIR and CE. Subsequently, our outcomes offer a deeper understanding of RT.....

833 hits

Detecting fake news and disinformation using artificial intelligence and machine learning to avoid supply chain disruptions
Arsalan Mujahid Ghouri
Fake news and disinformation (FNaD) are increasingly being circulated through various online and social networking platforms, causing widespread disruptions and influencing decision-making perceptions. Despite the growing importance of detecting fake news in politics, relatively limited research efforts have been made to develop artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) oriented FNaD detection models suited to minimize supply chain disruptions (SCDs). Using a combination of AI and ML, and case studies based on data collected from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Pakistan, we developed a FNaD detection model aimed at preventing SCDs. This model based on multiple data sources has shown evidence of its effectiveness in managerial decision-making. Our study further contributes to the supply chain and AI-ML literature, provides practical insights, and points to future research directions. 2022, The Author(s)...

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