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Simplified search suggestions : Mukunthan Thevarasa
A study on Sri Lankan childrens conception of space
Mukunthan Thevarasa,
The present study was conducted mainly to investigate the applicability of children’s conception space presented in Piaget’s Cognitive Development theory to Sri Lankan children. The study attempted to identify whether there were variations in Sri Lankan children’s conception of space according to the sectors i.e. urban, rural and estate, they live in, factors affecting Sri Lankan children’s conception of space. The methodology of the study was quantitative and in nature. Piagetian tests modified to suit the Sri Lankan context and the case study method was used in achieving the objectives of the study. The sample of the study consisted of 75 children selected randomly from primary school children between the ages of 5-10 years from Urban, Rural and Estate sectors in the Kalutara district of the Western Province. Modified Piagetian instruments, Observation schedules and in-depth interview schedules were used as instruments for data collection. The findings of the study indicated .....

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