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Simplified search suggestions : Nadhilah binti Suhaimi |
1 | 2023 article | Modularizing an acting imagination activity for Malaysian Secondary School Theatre activities Nadhilah binti Suhaimi The primary aim of this study was to develop an Acting Imagination Activity Module that can effectively augment cognitive capabilities within the context of secondary school theatre co-curricular activities. The development of this activity module is grounded in the incorporation of imagination techniques developed from Stella Adler's Acting Theory, Constructivism Theory, and Richey and Klein's DDR Model. The assessment of the module's usability is carried out over two cycles, applying the Delphi Method. The findings obtained from the needs analysis and literature review suggest a dearth of specialized modules and reference materials employed for theatre co-curricular activities, particularly in the context of acting in Malaysian secondary schools. Moreover, the primary objective of developing and implementing this activity module was to augment students' cognitive capacities, in accordance with the National Education Philosophy and Student Aspirations. The objective of this research w..... 94 hits |