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Simplified search suggestions : Nazrul Fadzli Khairulhalimi |
1 | 2020 article | Applied pattern of school football coaches coaching process in Kuala Lumpur Nazrul Fadzli Khairulhalimi This study aimed to explore the applied pattern of school football coaches’ coaching process in Kuala Lumpur. 10 teachers also act as the football coaches and 11 school football players were the study participants and the number of participants were determined by the degree of saturation of information which is refer to no new information was discovered among the rest of the study participants (Lebar, 2017; Strauss & Corbin, 1990). The data collection and the interview duration in this study was obtained 6 months through semi structured interview as suggested by Patton (2002). This study used qualitative research method called grounded theory approach as suggested by Strauss and Corbin (1998, 1990). The data were derived from the interview session and systematically collected, transcribed and analyzed by data analysis called coding which is consist of Open Coding, Axial Coding and Selective Coding (Strauss & Corbin, 1998, 1990). Based on the findings of the study have shown there wer..... 526 hits |