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Simplified search suggestions : Nik Nur Izzati Shamsudin
Effect of pH On Xylitol Composition- Preliminary study
Nik Nur Izzati Shamsudin
Xylitol is a sugar alcohol, its molecular structure is hybrids between the molecule of sugar and the molecule of alcohol. Xylitol can be used as a sugar substitute in human uptake especially diabetes because it does a minimal effect on the blood sugar level. The properties of xylitol can be modified to be suit to replace sugar. Therefore, the main purpose for this research studies was to find what modification can be made on xylitol properties so that it is suitable to substitute sugar for sugar uptake in human and to prove that not all the commercial xylitol can be used to substitute sugar. In this research the pH of the xylitol were changed to the suitable pH value. Then they were observed using UV-vis and FTIR to determine the changes on the composition of the modified xylitol. Keywords Xylitol, pH, Sugar, UV-Vis., FTIR..

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