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Simplified search suggestions : Noor Ady Ferdian |
1 | 2021 article | The multicultural education paradigm pattern: a case study in muhammadiyah junior high school in Palangka Raya, Indonesia Noor, Ady Ferdian The problems and the aim of the study. Indonesian society has problems of cultural disparities, occupation movements from different cultural backgrounds, and differences in conceptual understanding and application that give rise to the spirit of diversity in the fields that build multicultural education. This proposed study to identify fields that build multicultural education in Muhammadiyah Junior High Schools through a description of student interactions in these fields. Research Methods. Quantitative approach with a descriptive analysis. Sampling used a sample quota. The sampling included 29 students of grade VIII Muhammadiyah Junior High School in Palangka Raya and is the only Junior High School in the Muhammadiyah or ganization. Result. This research reveals religion as a way of learning and interacting in their daily life (80% = Sure until Very Sure). Gender, namely feeling more comfortable hanging out with friends of different sexes but still in accordance with religious rules ..... 641 hits |