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Simplified search suggestions : Nor Najihah Samingun
Comparison of static and dynamic stretching on hamstring flexibility among contact sports athletes
Nor Najihah Samingun
The purpose of this research is to compare the static and dynamic stretching on hamstring flexibility among contact sports athletes. Twenty-six UPSI contact sports athletes age from 19 to 25 years old, while their BMI’s ranges from 17 to 30 were randomly allocated to Static Stretching (SS) (n=13) and Dynamic Stretching (DS) (n=13) groups. The subjects undergone pre-test and post-test of Active Knee Extension Test (AKE) using universal goniometer to measure their hamstring flexibility. They will follow the designed stretching protocol according to their groups accompanied with aerobic running for 3 times per week for total of 4 weeks stretching program. The data were analyzed by Paired and Independent T-test. Paired T-test result shown that there was a significant improvement in the knee angle between the pre-test and posttest in both SS (t =-10.823, p=0.00l;left leg and t =-9.870, p=0.001;right leg) and DS (t=-0.144, p=0.887;left leg and t=-0.463, p=0.647;right leg) in ham.....

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