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Simplified search suggestions : Nor Zakiah Nor Hashim
Exploring integrated online instructional approaches among the foundation chemistry I in Malaysia by utilizing Youtube and Google Classroom
Nor Zakiah Nor Hashim
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centre of Foundation Studies at Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Selangor, Kampus Dengkil, launched an online Foundation Chemistry I course from August to December 2021, catering to science and engineering students. This course is a notable example of efficient online teaching methods for chemistry. We utilized various applications such as YouTube and Google Classroom to create a network platform. Moreover, we provided personal insights on high-quality online teaching for foundation chemistry. We incorporated various resources shared through Google Classroom to engage students during class, including online notes, prerecorded lectures (also shared on YouTube), and tutorials. Google Classroom provides a platform for distributing quizzes, assignments, and assessments to students, which enables teachers to keep track of their progress and provide them with feedback on their performance. The study revealed that the students performed exceptional.....

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