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Simplified search suggestions : Norhayati Daud
Identification of Tacca chantrieri (dioscoreaceae) through anatomical and morphological characters
Mohd Noor Nor Nafizah, Wun Shun Jie, Mohamed Fatimah, Daud Norhayati, Alimon Hasimah,
Anatomy and morphological characters were employed to identify four samples of Tacca sp. (Belimbing Tanah) from different localities in Perak. Anatomical characters including leaf epidermal characters, leaf venation, type of stomata and trichomes were investigated through transverse sections, epidermal peel and leaf clearing procedures. The outline and vascularization of the sections were also investigated. Result has shown that Tacca from four different localities in Perak were similar anatomically. However, morphologically these four species can be differentiated mostly based on their leaves, flowers and fruits. The leaf margins are slightly different of either entire or denticulate, and the colours of floral bracts are either purplish-black or purplish-black at the base gradually turns white to the apex. Eventhough they are slightly different morphologically, Tacca of Gunung Lang and Gunung Liang were suggested as T. chantrieri based on dichotomous key of Kalkman which emphasizes on.....

1985 hits

Preliminary toxicity test and phytochemical screening of Sargassum polycystum crude extracts from marine macroalgae
Daud Norhayati, Mohd Noor Nor Nafizah, Alimon Hasimah, Abdul Rashid Nursuhaidah,
Sargassum polycystum is a species of brown algae (Phaeophyta). Some recent studies have found many uses of this algae, one of them is for medicine. In this study, crude hexane, dichloromethane and methanol extracts of Sargassum polycystum were tested for toxicity activity and screened for its principal chemical substances. The toxicity test was done using Brine Shrimp Lethality (BSL) test against Artemia salina Leach. The results of this study showed the LC50 value of methanol extract was 295.12 mgml-1, while both hexane and dichloromethane extracts were 275.42 mgml-1. The BSL test exhibited no significant toxicity against A.salina. Phytochemical screening shows S. polycystum contained non polar and polar components. As the conclusion, S. polycystum contained secondary metabolites that are not toxic to A. salina and they are not a potential source for toxicity...

2279 hits

Phytochemical screening of sargassum sp and in vitro seed germination test
Norhayati Daud
The aim of the present paper is to evaluate the phytochemical screening of Sargassum sp and also to investigate the effect of its crude extracts on seed germination and seedling development of Capsicum annum. The samples were dried and made to coarse powder and stored at -20?C for further analysis. Crude extracts were prepared using three different solvents (DCM, methanol and hexane). Different concentrations of crude extracts were prepared in solid medium using MS basal media and germination tests were carried out in vitro. High concentration (50 uL/mL) of hexane extract exhibited the most promoting effect on seed germination and seedling development of Capsicum annum followed by methanol (50 uL/mL) and DCM (50 uL/mL). The presence of micro and macro nutrients, vitamins, growth hormones and other constituents in the seaweed extract might be very much useful to the crop but their concentration should be appropriate to enhance growth and productivity. It may be concluded that Sargassum .....

868 hits

Callus formation and phytochemical constituents of finger eggplant (Solanum Melongena L.)
Norhayati Daud
This study examined the efficiency of callus induction on optimum concentrations of NAA (αnaphthaleneacetic acid) and BAP (6-benzyladenine) from culturing stem and leaf explants of finger eggplant (Solanum sp.) and investigated the phytochemical constituents of callus tissue. Seeds were sterilized by using 3 and 5 % Clorox solution, which gave the highest number of survival seeds (100 %) and were grown in vitro plantlets. The highest frequency of callus induction (100.00 ± 0.00 %) was obtained from stems and leaf explants that were excised from in vitro plantlets. The stem explants cultured on MS medium consisted of 1.0 mg/L NAA + 1.0 mg/L BAP, giving the maximum mean callus fresh weight (0.14 ± 0.05 g). Meanwhile, the leaf explants cultured on MS medium consisted of 0.5 mg/L NAA + 2.0 mg/L BAP, generating the maximum mean callus fresh weight (0.48 ± 0.10 g). The highest frequency of callus induction (88.00 ± 1.60 %) was obtained in solidified MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L .....

729 hits

Kajian Morfogenesis tumbuhan hiasan Saintpaulia Ionantha H. Wendl. dalam sistem kultur tisu
Norhayati Daud
Kajian morfogenesis in vitro Saintpaulia ionantha telah berjaya dilakukan. Eksplan petiol merupakan eksplan paling responsif berbanding eksplan daun, pedunkel dan petal, iaitu menghasilkan 100 % regenerasi pucuk dan menghasilkan pucuk yang terbanyak (purata 15.0 ± 0.8 pucuk) di atas media MS yang mengandungi 1.0 mg/l IAA dan 2.0 mg/1 Zeatin selepas 8 minggu. Media ini dipilih sebagai media optima untuk regenerasi pucuk kerana menghasilkan banyak pucuk dan tumbesaran pucuk yang sihat. Pucuk yang disubkultur dalam media MS pepejal telah menghasilkan pucuk berganda dengan ciri-ciri pucuk normal dan seterusnya menghasilkan sistem akar yang lebat di dalam media Yz MS tanpa hormon. Dalam kajian embriogenesis somatik ke atas Saintpaulia ionantha, induksi kalus embriogenik tertinggi (63.3 ± 3.2 %) diperolehi dari eksplan daun di dalam media MS yang ditambah dengan 1.5 mg/l 2,4-D dan 2.0 mg/1 HAP selepas 12 minggu. Embrio somatik telah dihasilkan secara langsung dari kultur eksplan daun di da.....

663 hits

Callus induction and phytochemical constituents of finger eggplant (Solanum sp.)
Norhayati Daud
This study examined the efficiency of callus induction on optimum concentrations of NAA (?-naphthaleneacetic acid) and BAP (6-benzyladenine) from culturing stem and leaf explants of finger eggplant (Solanum sp.) and investigated the phytochemical constituents of callus tissue. Seeds were sterilized by using 3 and 5 % Clorox solution, which gave the highest number of survival seeds (100 %) and were grown in vitro plantlets. The highest frequency of callus induction (100.00 � 0.00 %) was obtained from stems and leaf explants that were excised from in vitro plantlets. The stem explants cultured on MS medium consisted of 1.0 mg/L NAA + 1.0 mg/L BAP, giving the maximum mean callus fresh weight (0.14 � 0.05 g). Meanwhile, the leaf explants cultured on MS medium consisted of 0.5 mg/L NAA + 2.0 mg/L BAP, generating the maximum mean callus fresh weight (0.48 � 0.10 g). The highest frequency of callus induction (88.00 � 1.60 %) was obtained in solidified MS medium supplemented with 0.5 m.....

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