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Total records found : 2 |
Simplified search suggestions : Norul Haida Bt Reduzan |
1 | 2012 monograph | Aplikasi model konstruktivisme dalam kelas bahasa Melayu Reduzan Norul Haida, 782 hits |
2 | 2019 article | The application of multimedia humor in Malay language narrative writing Norul Haida Bt Reduzan By afutpting a Dick and Carey model, thepurpose af this stuilt wat to ilevelnp a muhimedis hwttour model for the teaching of Matay nanitive writing and tcst the eJfectiteness of the antle I in thc classruom. This study was cortducted to d groxtp of 29 students at SekalahMenengahKebatgsaan Syed Mashor' Batang Kali, Selangot. The reseatch elesign was qtmi experimental invaling single group Ple'test and post-test ikign' l'iUowing th* clesign, participants were selecled, pte-tested' aru! exposetlio the mukimeitia video (animafion) and then post'testeil' Tie irfirument used in this research was the writing te;l on l[alay twrrative focusing on cleanliness' I)esciptive qutntualive urdlsis wa{ employed on the lindings $?eque"c!' pclceilldge arri medn) fottotted b! d comParison of prc-test and lnst'test' The fintingt lthot$ thqt thtre were signtficant differerces between the pre and post-test. I n the post'lest , tlu mean score for the pafiwipants after receiving the inlerventio,t hlere higher ..... 511 hits |