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Simplified search suggestions : Nur Issyatul Sofea Abdullah
Mobile Apps Development And Validation: Tailored Intervention On Depression Among Paramedic Students Of Malaysian Ministry Of Health Training Institute At Kuching, Sarawak
Nur Issyatul Sofea Abdullah
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of financial literacy, financial stress, financial management practices, saving behaviour, household size and income adequacy, on Malaysian female millennials' retirement preparedness. A total of 268 questionnaires were self-administered and collected from Malaysian female millennials residing and working in the Klang Valley aged between 26 to 41 years old using a purposive stratified sampling method. Regression analyses were performed using SPSS software to determine the influence of variables investigated on retirement preparedness. Findings indicate that financial literacy level (? = 0.154, t-statistic = 2.669), financial stress level (? = 0.108, t-statistic = 2.207), saving behaviour (? = 0.281, t-statistic = 5.713) and household size (? = 0.242, t-statistic = 2.616), have significant positive effects on retirement preparedness. Income adequacy (? =-0.298, t-statistic =-2.595) on the other hand, is significantly and negatively asso.....

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