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Simplified search suggestions : Nur Syahida Shafiron
Analisis perbandingan mata pelajaran Sejarah di Malaysia dan Finland
Nur Syahida Shafiron
This article discusses the comparison of History subjects in Malaysia and Finland by focusing its analysis of the development of History subjects in both countries and comparing the objectives and goals of History in the context of political education. Therefore, a qualitative approach by using document analysis from secondary sources such as books, journals, and newspapers is employed to thoroughly examine the differences in History subjects in both countries. The findings indicate that the goals and objectives of History subjects in Finland place a greater emphasis on political education. This can be observed in the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education (2014) for history and social studies, designed to promote students' understanding of the social, cultural, and political aspects shaping the world, while also developing critical and analytical thinking. In contrast, in Malaysia, the objectives and goals of the subject focus more on understanding Malaysian society, the nation,.....

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