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Simplified search suggestions : Nurfarhana Diana Mohd Nor
The effects of taste sensitivity and repeated taste exposure on childrens intake and liking of turnip (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa); a bitter Brassica vegetable
Nurfarhana Diana Mohd Nor
Taste sensitivity plays an important role in influencing food preferences and thus nutritional status. It has been reported that children have low vegetable consumption. Differences in bitter taste sensitivity between individuals may influence vegetable consumption, especially Brassica vegetables. Glucosinolates (GSLs) are present in high amount in Brassica vegetables, and these compounds contain a thiourea group, which is partly responsible for the bitter taste of Brassica vegetables. The thiourea group also exists in 6-propylthiouracil (PROP), and the ability to taste it is genetically determined. Variations in the bitter taste receptor of TAS2R38 predominantly explain the differences in response of PROP perception. Additionally, phenotypic measure of fungiform papillae density (FPD) has been shown to contribute to taste sensitivity, and gustin (CA6) gene has been proposed to be involved in the development of papillae. Existing literature has shown that repeated taste exposure can mo.....

819 hits

Consumer liking of turnip cooked by different methods: the influence of sensory profile and consumer bitter taste genotype
Nurfarhana Diana Mohd Nor
Brassica vegetables are bitter, predominantly because they contain bitter-tasting glucosinolates. Individuals with high bitter taste sensitivity are reported to have lower consumption of bitter vegetables. Studies reported that cooking methods can alter the sensory characteristics of vegetables, increasing acceptability. This study investigated consumer liking of turnip cooked by four methods (boiled-pureed, roasted, steamed-pureed and stir-fried) and related this to sensory characteristics. Additionally, this study examined the effect of the bitter taste genotype on taste perception and liking of the cooked turnip samples. Participants (n = 74) were recruited and the TAS2R38 genotype was measured. Liking, consumption intent, perception of bitterness and sweetness of turnip were evaluated. A sensory profile of the cooked turnip variants was also determined by a trained sensory panel. There were significant differences in the overall (p = 0.001) and taste (p = 0.002) liking between cook.....

95 hits

Kesan pendedahan berulang kali terhadap pengambilan sayur di kalangan kanak-kanak prasekolah berbangsa Melayu di Kuala Kangsar
Nurfarhana Diana Mohd Nor
Pengambilan sayur di kalangan kanak-kanak sering kali dilaporkan tidak memuaskan. Kajian  ini   bertujuan  untuk  melihat  kesan  pendedahan  berulang  kali  terhadap pengambilan sayur yang tidak  disukai oleh kanak-kanak prasekolah berbangsa Melayu di Kuala Kangsar. Dua buah prasekolah telah  dipilih iaitu Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Idris II dan Sekolah Kebangsaan Raja Perempuan Muzwin.  Terdapat dua fasa dalam kajian ini di mana fasa pertama untuk menentukan sayur ujian dan fasa kedua  untuk melihat keberkesanan intervensi. Dalam fasa pertama, seramai 56 orang subjek (32 lelaki  dan  24 perempuan)  telah  bersetuju  menyertai  kajian ini  dan  ibu  bapa dikehendaki untuk mengisi  borang soal selidik yang telah diedarkan. Borang soal selidik ini mengandungi maklumat  sosiodemografi, kekerapan pengambilan sayur, tahap kesukaan terhadap sayur, kekerapan penyediaan  dan kaedah memasak sayur di rumah. Daripada analisa fasa pertama, sayur cekur manis dijad.....

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