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Simplified search suggestions : Nurul Auji Hasbullah
The effectiveness of animated transition in Quranic Braille courseware design
Nurul Auji Hasbullah
This research aimed to evaluate the courseware effectiveness of animated transition and users satisfaction in using developed Qur’anic Braille courseware (QBC) prototypes namely QBC(animation) and QBC(graphic). The courseware was developed by using ADDIE model. The mixed-method aproach were used to explore participants views and background with the intention of using this information to develop and test the instrument with a sample from a population. Qualitative methodology was conducted to identify the Islamic education teachers’ background in the aspect of Qur’anic Braille knowledge and identifying users’ satisfaction regarding the design and development of the courseware whilst quantitative method was used to evaluate the courseware effectiveness. Five in-service teachers were interviewed and the total of 26 pre-service teachers were randomly selected as the samples in the true experimental study of pre-test and post-test. The total of 26 pre-service teachers were selected b.....

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