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Simplified search suggestions : Nurul Izzah Abdul Rahman
Identification Of Ige-Binding Proteins Of Male and Female Scylla Serrata (Mud Crab) Preliminary Results
Abdul Rahman Nurul Izzah, Misnan Rosmilah, Mohd Yadzir Zailatul Hani,
Crab represents valuable nutrient source of protein, nutrients and functional lipids, is widely consumed. However the prevalence of crab allergy has increased over the past few years. In order to better understand local crab allergy, it is necessary to identify crab allergens. Multiple crab allergens including tropomyosin and arginine kinase have been identified as major allergens in various species of crab. Scylla serrata (mud crab) is an economically important crab species found in the Indo-Pacific region. So, the aim of this study was to identify the IgE-binding proteins of male and female Scylla serrata (mud crab). The raw extracts were prepared from the crab meat. The protein profiles and IgE-reactivity pattern were then identified by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting technique using sera from 10 patients with mud crab allergy. SDS-PAGE analysis of the male and female crab extracts revealed 19 protein bands ranging from 12 to .....

3198 hits

Pengenalpastian dan pencirian alergen major dan minor pada ketam lumpur (Scylla serrata) dengan menggunakan pendekatan proteomik
Nurul Izzah Abdul Rahman
Kajian ini bertujuan mengenalpasti alergen major ketam lumpur, Scylla serrata dengan menggunakan pendekatan proteomik. Ekstrak protein ketam jantan dan betina yang tidak dimasak dan yang dimasak telah disediakan daripada daging ketam. Profil protein dianalisis dengan menggunakan elektroforesis gel natrium dodesil sulfat berpoliakrilamida (SDS-PAGE). Alergen major dan alergen minor dikenalpasti dengan kaedah pemblotan imuno menggunakan sampel serum daripada 50 orang pesakit alergi ketam. Tompokan protein pengikatan IgE utama pada alergen major dikesan dengan teknik elektroforesis dua dimensi (2-DE) dan pemblotan imuno 2-DE. Identiti tompokan protein utama pada alergen major kemudiannya dikenalpasti menggunakan spektrometri jisim. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa kedua-dua ekstrak ketam jantan dan betina yang tidak dimasak mengandungi sebanyak 20 jalur protein berbanding dengan ekstrak yang telah dimasak hanya mengandungi sebanyak 11 jalur protein. Ketam yang tidak dimasak mempunyai 12 .....

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