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Simplified search suggestions : Omar Adil Dheyab
Hybrid watermark techniques for skin cancer images
Omar Adil Dheyab
The aims of this study are to reveal the potentials of digital watermarking in medical data management issues, and proposes a hybrid watermark technique for skin cancer to enforce integrity,  authenticity and confidentiality of the medical information. Dermoscopic image dataset (PH2) was  used for testing purpose, which includes 200 different images. The hybrid watermark is proposed  based on chaotic embedding. The hybrid watermarking includes robust and fragile watermarks embedded  in the region of non interest of the image. The robust watermark utilizes the discrete wavelet  transform to hide the patient information in the frequency domain. The fragile watermark utilizes  the least significant bit to hide the authentication data in the spatial domain. The findings of  this study shows high watermarked image quality and promising robustness under different attacks,  and when compared with other techniques including discrete cosine transform and 2LSB. The Peak  Signa.....

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