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Simplified search suggestions : Onaiba Abdulhamid Mustafa
Do exam aims and content reflect those of the curriculum? an evaluative study
Onaiba, Abdulhamid Mustafa
Language tests, particularly high-stakes language tests, are a powerful tool for evaluating educational outcomes, but their effectiveness hinges on how they are constructed. Failure to construct valid sound tests can negatively impact both teaching and learning. Therefore, continuous research is needed to investigate and evaluate such types of tests. This study examines the congruency between the aims and content of a high-stakes public EFL examination and the prescribed curriculum in Libyan schools. Document analysis was conducted on a sample of the studied test, focusing on its intended objectives and their reflection on the curriculum's goals and content. While the exam offered some practical advantages, the findings revealed a mismatch between the administered exam and the curriculum, and between the stated aims and the actual content of the exam itself. The assessment focused solely on grammar points and reading comprehension based on information cloned verbatim from the prescribe.....

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