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Simplified search suggestions : Ooi Sing Ee
Pembinaan, kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan alat ukur Keperluan Asas Berdasarkan Teori Pilihan (Choice Theory)
Wong, Karen Mei Sing
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengukur kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan alat ukur Keperluan Asas Berdasarkan Teori Pilihan (Choice Theory). Seramai 5 orang pakar yang terlibat dalam mengesahkan alat kajian ini. Dapatan menunjukkan bahawa kelima-lima pakar memberi kesahan yang tinggi iaitu skor sebanyak 91 % dalam alat ukur tersebut. Seramai 119 orang pelajar Tingkatan Empat yang terlibat untuk mengukur kebolehpercayaan instrumen ini. Alat kajian yang digunakan ialah soal selidik yang mengandungi 85 item dengan 5 subskala yang telah diubahsuai berdasarkan Teori Pilihan. Data yang diperoleh kemudiannya dianalisis menggunakan kaedah Cronbach Alpha dan uji dan uji kembali. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan hanya 47 item daripada 85 item dalam alat ukur ini yang bermutu. Secara keseluruhan, pekali kebolehpercayaan Cronbach Alpha adalah pada tahap yang baik dengan nilai .871. Sehubungan dengan keputusan yang diperoleh, beberapa cadangan telah dikemukakan...

1044 hits

An exploratory study in using music videos among pre-service teachers: sing along with economics concepts
Khoo, Yin Yin
Education 4.0 has emphasised on the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in education. Enhancing the creative and innovative thinking among pre-service teachers has become one of the important elements in Education 4.0. Most of the art students, who take Form Four economics in secondary schools, generally face difficulties in mastering economic concepts. In order to make the lessons more interesting and easy to remember, the economics teachers should develop some innovative teaching and learning methods to attract students’ attention. This study aimed to examine pre-service teachers’ learning interest. This study also further examined the understanding of economics concepts. Learning with songs can make learning activities more interesting for the class, especially with music videos. This study employed the survey as research method. A total of 50 pre-service teachers were employed randomly as samples. From the findings, music videos can enhance learning in.....

740 hits

Song without voice: the power of the vendors song in Papa, Can You Hear Me Sing?
Goh, Yen-Lin
There is hardly any forum pertaining to India-Japan relations without a reference to India’s Papa, Can You Hear Me Sing? (1983), portraying a retired soldier after WWII who makes his living by collecting empty wine bottles, caused an immediate sensation and was nominated for 11 Golden Horse Awards. Not being able to speak, he substitutes the vendor’s cry of the five Taiwanese syllables jiu gan tan buei bo? (any wine bottles for sale?) with a five-note tune played on a trumpet. This tune, which echoes throughout the entire film, quickly permeated Taiwanese consciousness. This paper examines the multifunctional role of this simple motif, a descent of three neighboring pentatonic pitches. Acting at first as the vendor’s voice to collect bottles, this motif later becomes a way to cheer up and communicate with Mei, the abandoned baby girl he found. It soon symbolizes Mei’s pain, humiliation (her schoolmates sing it to tease her), and desire to escape from poverty. It also represents.....

463 hits

The Kuomintang background of Jit Sin school board committee and election disputes
Ooi, Sing Ee
Jit Sin Public School was founded in 1918 by the Philomatic Union and Hock Teik Cheng Sim Temple of Bukit Mertajam. Both of the orga nisations became t he school board committee which gathered an intertwined network of commerce, temples, politics, and education to gain a foothold in the port. After the dissolution of the Philomatic Union and Kuomintang in 1925, Jit Sin Public School beca me an important reform organization in the city, and the school board committee became an area where various groups competed for power, as illustrated by two disputes over the election of a school board committee. The first election dis pute occurred in 193 8 when the Hock Teik Cheng Sim Temple was responsible for funding the construction of Jit Sin Public School, leading to a controversy over whether the Hock Teik Cheng Sim Temple should increase its number of seats on the school board committee. The second election dispute occurred in 1947, when Huang again manipulated the election, prompting protest.....

345 hits

Challenges of COVID-19 Crisis on Malaysias education sector
Wong,Sing Yun
This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the development of Malaysia’s education policies over the years. In addition, this study seeks to further draw attention to the recent implications of COVID-19 on Malaysia’s education sector. The education policies developed in the past decades have highlighted that Malaysia Government had continuously shown tremendous support and has put high emphasis on the education sector. However, the pandemic crisis has disrupted learning and posed new challenges to the education system and the policies developed in the past. Therefore, this paper will employ a narrative review to draw lessons based on the observations retrieved from existing literature and various secondary sources such as policy briefs, media, commentaries, and documentaries of related evidence on the challenges of the pandemic crisis to the education system and its policy. In addition, the review will also shed light on the policies' recommendations in adapting to the .....

202 hits

Teknik nyanyian keroncong asli
Edhi Kuntoro,
This research specify on the techniques of singing the "keroncong asli". It uses the qualitative approach based on the case studied as the love of this research. Data collected are from institutions and individuals. The instruments used in collecting data in this research are documentation, reading materials, document analysis, interviews and observation. Documents, reading materials and facts are also gathered from the internet which will then be used to analyse the vocal of keroncong asli. Closed interview are also done with the keroncong singers. So did the observation with the professional singers. During the process of observation, video recording is made and researchers take notes in the progress. After all the data being collected, researchers will then analyse the documents to get the outmost input and all the important information in it. Things gathered from this research are related to the technique of singing the keroncong asli used by the respondents. While singing the kero.....

733 hits

Socially productive activities and subjective wellbeing among rural Perak elderly
Nur Syakirah Hamzah
The uncertain knowledge on level of wellbeing among older adults has attracted an increasing number of public, political and scientific attentions. Wellbeing has been described as a state of equilibrium or balance that can be affected by life events or challenges. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between socially productive activities and subjective wellbeing among rural elderly in Perak. A descriptive research methodology was adopted for this research. A broad range of productive factors (such as voluntarism and paid work) and measures of wellbeing (such as self-rated health and life satisfaction) shall be analysing in t-test and Pearson correlation analysis. Information needed are obtained sing a cross-sectional design method across rural districts in Perak. Questionnaires survey was distributed to 480 older adults age from 50 t0 75+. This paper found out that there are no significant different between paid work and self-rated health and life satisfaction,.....

574 hits

Contemporary Iraqi novel: abundant production and new trends
Abdul Ghani Abu
This study focuses on discussing the Iraqi contemporary novelistic production. The study handled the development of the Iraqi novel genre during three different periods; during Saddam's regime, during exile after the fall of the regime, and during the post-2003 war and U.S. Invasion to Iraq. The study explored the historical development of the Iraqi novels through discussing the main subjects and themes of these novels during the three different periods. In addition to that, some names of the best writers in each period, were given. The study concluded that Iraqi contemporary novelistic production has passed through three different periods; during Saddam regime in which the literature was directed by the government and used to glorify the authority and sing of heroism of the leaders. The second period was during the exile when thousands of Iraqis were migrated forcefully abroad leaving their homeland, families and everything they own. The exile literature has involved new experiences g.....

280 hits

The transformations of poetic discourse and the formation of the symbol of women in modern poetry ( Read in Selected Models)
AL.Sammarraie,Ban Kadhim Makki
This research deals with the study of women as a symbol in the modern era as an isolated research and my plan for preparing it is to study women in a brief summary and the opinion of poets in them, as they represent similar women. Women have a place in society and a symbolism that raised their status and took from Nazik al-Malaika the voice that defends women and searches for their rights. What does it say to women, which is the feminine voice that expresses women’s poetry for women? As for the third research, it was about singing the qualities of the wife and the beloved, and the best example of singing and lamenting the wife, the poet Mahmoud Sami Al-Baroudi lamented his wife when he returned and found her dead. He was followed by the Iraqi poet Badr Shaker Al-Sayyab and his view of love and women and how he used to refer to the daughters of his village and sing about them. As for the poet Gibran Khalil Gibran, he symbolized women in a romantic way. Elia Abu Madi, where he sang abo.....

166 hits

Demystifying knowledge on music transmission, creation, and succession among the Indigenous Semai of Malaysia
Chan,Clare Suet Ching
The Semai are a group of indigenous minorities, collectively known as the Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia. They are well-known for their dream songs or jenulak that is taught by the gunik (spirit guide) to halak (shaman). The knowledge of how jenulak is transmitted, created, and succeeded becomes important today when researchers collaborate with culture bearers to sustain their musical heritage. This knowledge is integral to the sustainability of Semai musical heritage, indigenous concepts, and values. This article examines (1) how jenulak is transmitted from one generation to the next generation; (2) how Semai musicians create music; and (3) who can succeed as the next generation of Semai musicians. It utilises the revisiting ethnography methodology in which the researcher reexamines case studies through data from past transcribed fieldnotes and interviews with Semai musicians over a span of 10 years. In this article, I argue that the learning of jenulak is not limited to th.....

221 hits

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