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Total records found : 94 |
Simplified search suggestions : Othman Soh |
1 | 2016 article | Computer technology integration and teachers knowledge and self-efficacy: barriers and promise Azeema Fathimath, Talib Othman, Othman Azraai, 1575 hits |
2 | 2006 thesis | Pembinaan modul pengajaran dan pembelajaran kraf keris di sekolah menengah Othman Abdul The purpose of this research is to build and prepare a teaching and learning module of Malay Keris handicraft that the educators can utilize in their teaching in the secondary schools. This research is focussed in producing a Malay Keris handicraft product whereby it had been thought theoritically only, before, during the teaching process. Therefore, from the results of this research the writer has developed a teaching and learning module of Keris handicraft based on the Curriculum Specifications fixed by the Ministry of Education and Curriculum Development Centre. The results of this research indicated that ‘keris’ is actually one of the traditional Malay handicrafts that its sovereignty should be preserved as a Malay symbol. Other than that, the writer wants to know whether this traditional Malay handicraft can be accepted in the teaching and learning process and whether it changes the students’ interpretation in learning a new thing. Besides looking at the development of Keris..... 3400 hits |
3 | 2006 thesis | Bentuk sapaan untuk pengajaran bahasa Zaiton Othman This research entitled ‘Types of Greeting for Language Teaching’ is focused on pronouns and also addressitivity in the Malay Language. Even though, both of them have different functions, the pronouns can sometimes take the place of addressitivity. It happens due to the usage or pronouns is closely related to addressitivity, especially in the Malay Language. Besides that, this research has been carried out thoroughly by using the library and observation methods. Questions are set up carefully to produce accurate results. The main resources for this research are a book entitled ‘Sejarah Melayu’, written by W.G. Shellabear (1896), 10th Edition (1984), speech texts and other materials. The result shows that pronouns and addressitivity have different functions and usage. In an informal situation, the usage or functions of pronouns and addressitivity is not as strict as its usage ini formal situation. Other than that, this research also shows that there are a few differences in the u..... 1367 hits |
4 | 2017 article | Chromatic numbers and indices of the optimised degree six 3-modified chordal ring network topology Chien Stephen Lim Ern, - Raja Noor Farah Azura, Othman Mohamed, 1520 hits |
5 | 2004 thesis | Perlaksanaan komputer dalam pendidikan di sekolah-sekolah Daerah Sabak Bernam: kajian tinjauan Othman Soh The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the implementation of Computer in Education Program (COEP/KDP) and its effect to students in few selected schools in Sabak Bernam. It is a descriptive correlation study to measure knowledge about computer, understanding about computer, importance of computer usage and effect on academic performance among students after the KDP’s programme. This observavation had been made on 200 form two students in several school using 2 sets of quirie form. The data then collected and analised using the Science Social Package of Statistic(SPSS 11.5). The descriptive and infrence had been used to analise the questions. The thesis is made to investigate about the situations below here’s a significance coloration between the improvement usage of the computer and the KDP’S program. There’s a significance coloration between the improvement of understanding of computer and the KDP’S programme. There’s a significance coloration between the expertise in u..... 1395 hits |
6 | 2004 monograph | Assessment of summary writing by a group of tesl students in UPSI Othman Normah, 1038 hits |
7 | 2016 article | Science teaching: perceptions, attitudes and instructional practices Phang Yeen Cheng, Talib Othman, Othman Azraai, This study investigates the perceptions, attitudes and instructional practices towards teaching science among secondary school Science teachers. Data was collected using questionnaires and underwent statistical analysis. 102 science teachers in Kuala Langat district were included in this study. Analysis revealed that the three constructs; perceptions, attitudes and instructional practice were at moderate level. In addition, Mann-Whitney analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the experienced group teachers with less experienced group teachers in terms of perceptions, attitudes and instructional practices. Finally, analysis Spearman’s rho revealed that there were low correlation between perceptions and attitudes, perceptions and instructional practices and moderate correlation between instructional practices and attitudes. This research helps in providing the information on teachers’ perceptions, attitudes and instructional practices among secondary school S..... 2543 hits |
8 | 2012 conference_item | Ciri-Ciri Fiziko-Kimia Tanih di Lembangan Sg. Bernam- Guna Tanah Pertanian Saad Azlina, Othman Zainudin, Yusof Norjan, Study on physico-chemical characteristics of different agricultural land uses in subcatchment of Bernam River was carried out. Five soil sampling stations (S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5) were selected to collect the soil to be tested. Physico-chemical characteristics determined were organic matter content, size particle distribution and total organic carbon. Particle size distribution was determined by pipette method and dry sieving. Organic matter and total organic carbon were measured through loss of ignition and Walkley-Black method respectively. Correlation test on physico-chemical characteristics showed that clay and organic matter content have a positive relation and significance (r=0.809, p.. 2103 hits |
9 | 2016 article | Beberapa kaedah untuk pengajaran ayat sebagai satuan dalam wacana Othman Arbak, Mohd Nor Ahmad Khair, Analisis terhadap ayat dari sudut nahuan meletakkan ayat sebagai satuan yang terbesar dalam bahasa. Ayat dianalisis berdasarkan struktur sintaksis tanpa mempertimbangkan konteks ayat itu dihasilkan atau diujarkan. Sebaliknya, dalam nahu wacana, ayat yang dihasilkan dalam ujaran berperanan untuk mengungkapkan fikiran melalui bahasa yang digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi. Dalam nahu wacana, ayat yang diujarkan dianggap sebagai satuan yang membentuk hubungan ayat dalam konteks ujaran dan tekstual, dan ciri-ciri sintaksis yang diperlihatkan dalam ayat diterangkan berhubung dengan syarat yang mengendalikan penyebaran ayat dalam wacana. Oleh sebab itu, nahu wacana biasanya menganalisis bentuk nahuan dan penyebaran ayat dalam wacana, dari segi kombinasi susunan maklumat dan susunan ayat yang logik yang didapati dalam teks ujaran (Sato 1997:2). Makalah ini akan menjelaskan beberapa konsep tentang nahu wacana yang dapat digunakan untuk tujuan pengajaran ayat bahasa Melayu... 979 hits |
10 | 2016 article | Kesediaan guru dalam pelaksanaan kemahiran berfikir terhadap pengajaran penulisan karangan murid bukan Melayu Jamian Abdul Rasid, Othman Shamsudin, Md Sabil Azhar, Masamin Juanes, Kemahiran berfikir secara penyebatian dalam penulisan karangan mendapati memberi kesan terhadap pencapaian murid, terutamanya murid bukan Melayu. Sehubungan itu, guru-guru perlu mahir untuk mengaplikasikan kemahiran berfikir dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti cara guru-guru mengaplikasikan kemahiran berfikir dalam pengajaran penulisan karangan untuk murid-murid bukan Melayu peringkat sekolah rendah tahun 5. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa kesediaan guru Bahasa Melayu terhadap kepentingan pengaplikasian kemahiran berfikir dalam penulisan karangan min adalah 4.14, (S.P. = .48). Selain itu, dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa guru-guru berpengetahuan dan faham tentang konsep mengaplikasikan kemahiran berfikir adalah pada tahap yang tinggi iaitu min 4.07, (S.P. = .54). Kesimpulannya, penguasaan kemahiran berfikir adalah penting untuk melahirkan murid-murid yang berkebolehan dan berketrampilan dalam menulis karangan khususnya dal..... 1890 hits |
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