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Simplified search suggestions : P Fuentes Aileen Grace
Assessing the effect of the gradual release of responsibility (GRR) model in teaching science
Fuentes, Aileen Grace P
This research study is conducted to elucidate the effectiveness of the Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) Model in increasing students' academic performance in science class. The GRR model reflects this by scaffolding students' learning experiences, starting with teacher modeling and gradually transitioning to student-centered activities and peer collaboration. A quantitative quasi-experimental research approach was used to test the effectiveness of the said learning model. A control and experimental group with 30 students were involved in this study utilizing the Inquiry-Based Seven (7) E's Method and GRR Model, respectively. Results show that there is no significant difference between the two groups in the pretest, given the values t(58)=0.345 and p-value=0.731, which signifies that both groups were at low-performing levels. There is a significant difference between the two groups on the result of the post-test, given the values t(58)=-9.309 and p-value..

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