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Simplified search suggestions : Penny Jean
Reflections on practice-led research methods and their application in music performance research
Penny Jean,
The inspiration for this report comes from moves that are taking place in Malaysian research, in particular an expansion of official acceptance of practice-led and based research methods by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia. Consequently, academics across the country are beginning to embrace approaches that have, from my personal observations, been previously unexplored and, indeed, often discouraged. Changes are a foot, however, as music performance and research departments are recognising the values as well as the creative and professional potentials of this research. While practice-led research has been increasing exponentially worldwide for decades now, some still struggle to define and support it because of its open and flexible nature, and the implicit questioning of standard research conventions, including the incorporation of creative and descriptive materials. I suggest here that this flexibility is precisely why it is a method that has great benefits for artistic applicatio.....

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