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Simplified search suggestions : Phoong Seuk Yen |
1 | 2019 article | An ARDL Approach on Crude Oil Price and Macroeconomic Variables Phoong Seuk Yen Objective – The removal of fuel subsidies by the Malaysian government in 2014 has been implement with the managed float system for fuel prices.
Methodology/Technique – This study investigates the impact of the managed floating system of crude oil prices on the Malaysian economy using ARDL approach by looking at macroeconomic variables such as inflation, economic growth and unemployment rates.
Findings – The results show that all of the variables have short lived relationship with oil prices whereby inflation and economic growth are positively related to oil prices. However, unemployment rate has a negative relationship with the changes of WTI crude oil prices.
Novelty – The major input in the economy of Malaysia contributes to a positive relationship between inflation and oil prices, whilst the contribution of Malaysia being an oil-producing country results in the positive relationship of economic growth and oil price. Likewise, as oil prices are high, the increase in demand..... 1553 hits |
2 | 2019 article | Multiple breakpoint test on crude oil price Phoong, Seuk Yen The impact of structural changes as well as breaks on oil price fluctuations is studied in this article. There are a few channels, such as domestic prices and inflation, that cause the effect of oil price to pass through the economy. The higher crude oil price is immediately followed by the increase in oil products such as gasoline and heating oil. The direct effects continue as people choose alternative energy sources, leading to the increase in price. Besides, the indirect effect on inflation as a result of the behavioral responses of the firms and workers which is known as the “second round” effects in which higher wages is being demanded. This article uses exploratory data analysis to discover the patterns of the variables’ series and then examines the relationship between oil price and consumer price index. Multiple breakpoint test is thereafter used to identify the structural changes in time-varying variables... 1075 hits |
3 | 2019 article | Effect of Smart classroom on student achievement at higher education Phoong, Seuk Yen Smart classroom is a technology-based learning that is proposed as a solution to increase the capabilities of students. This mode of teaching and learning make the education system more attractive and interactive, in addition to help educators to develop an engaging session. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of smart classrooms among Mathematics undergraduates. The study involved 72 students, and the data were analyzed using t test. The results show a significant difference among the students’ academic performance in the conventional and smart classroom. In addition, the use of smart classroom has greatly improved students’ performance.. 1449 hits |
4 | 2019 article | Are we ready for mobile payment? Phoong, Seuk Wai This study aims to identify the factors influencing the readiness and acceptance of mobile payment applications. The study is performed using the survey method. Quantitative data analysis are used to measure the relationship between the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived security on the readiness of Malaysian in using mobile payment applications. The results shown that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived security have a positive and significance relationship with the usage of mobile payment applications. Moreover, perceived ease of use is reported as the strongest factor towards usage of mobile payment applications, following by perceived security and perceived usefulness. This study is able to provide information on the current stage of use on mobile payment in Malaysia and it is also beneficial to the mobile payment facilities provider into find out strategies that could improve the acceptance and use of mobile payment application.. 1181 hits |
5 | 2019 article | Analysis of structural changes in financial datasets using the breakpoint test and the markov switching model Phoong, Seuk Wai The price movements of commodities are determined by changes in the expectations about future economic variables. Crude oil price is non?stationary, highly volatile, and unstructured in nature, which makes it very difficult to predict over short?to?medium time horizons. Some analysts have indicated that the difficulty in forecasting the crude oil price is due to the fact that economic models cannot consistently show evidence of a strong connection between commodities and economic fundamentals, and, as a result, regarded the idea that economic fundamentals help predict price values as random luck. This study aimed to overcome the limitations of the economic models through the detection of structural changes as well as breaks in the data, using a breakpoint test. The Markov switching model is used to address the price patterns that led to a different market state. The results show that there are several changes as well as breaks in the estimated model. Moreover, there is an asymmetric co..... 956 hits |
6 | 2018 research_report | Potential factors and mode of choice of public transportation among resident Phoong, Seuk Yen Public transport is a shared passenger transport service available for public use. Increased
population is accompanied by the increased demand for private vehicles. The exponential growth
in the number of private vehicles will result in negative impacts such as air pollution, excessive
noise, and traffic congestion. Additionally, customers’ perception on different aspects include
safety, operation or time, comfortable and cleanness of public transportation also essential in
affecting their mode of choice when travelling. The public transport that discuss in this paper is
light rail transit. This paper intends to investigate the main purpose of using light rail transit and
elucidate the public perspective of the light rail transit via factor analysis and correlation analysis.
A questionnaire with five-point Likert scale was designed, and data were randomly selected from
200 light rail transit users in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The results revealed that majority of the
customer..... 910 hits |
7 | 2018 research_report | Development of module for emerging issues in Mathematics education Phoong, Seuk Yen This module is mainly develop to investigate and explore the foundation, purposes and structures
of Mathematics education in Malaysia. The factors that change the Mathematics education will be
critically studied by comparing the issues in Malaysia with other countries. Issues such as the
paradigm shift in Mathematics education, classroom concept and teaching and learning process are
discussed. Therefore, the aim of this research is to develop a module for emerging issues in
Mathematics education. Then, the module was developed based on Sidek's Module Development
Model. A four point likert scale questionnaire was given to the experts from Mathematics
education field to check the content of the module. It is expected that with this module, students
will be exposed to the current issues about Mathematics education... 885 hits |
8 | 2021 article | A bayesian approach on Malaysian electronic and electrical export value with exchange rate Phoong, Seuk Yen Recent years, the top 3 of world's export products were monopolized by Electronic and Electrical sector. In Malaysia, Electronic and Electrical is the main contributor of export since 1980s. However, the export performance of Malaysian Electronic and Electrical is often affected by several issues including competitors, financial crisis and global pandemic crisis. Hence, this article aims to investigate the relationship between Malaysian electronic and electrical export value and exchange rate using Bayesian method to fit a two components normal mixture model. Bayesian parameter estimation method is getting popular in time series data analysis due to its asymptotic properties which is then furnishes reliable results. Through Bayesian analysis, the finding reveals that there is a positive relationship between Malaysian electronic and electrical export value with exchange rate. Meanwhile, Malaysian Electronic and Electrical export price increase when there is an appreciation of exchange r..... 1049 hits |
9 | 2021 article | Drivers and barriers of mobile payment adoption: Malaysian merchants\ perspective Phoong, Seuk Yen The Malaysian market consists of a large consumer-base carrying mobile phones. However, the adoption and proliferation of mobile (m-) payments remain dismal. Evidence from the literature necessitates the need for elucidating the adoption barriers and drivers from multiple perspectives. There has been much research on consumer adoption and usage of mobile payment systems, but there is a lack of research on this subject from the merchants' perspective. Taking into account the critical role merchants play in promoting a sustainable m-payment ecosystem, this work elucidates the perspective of merchants in Malaysia visvis m-payment systems. In-depth interviews with merchants from multiple retail categories were conducted to gain insight into their motivational drives, barriers, and challenges in the context of the adoption and implementation of m-payment systems in Malaysia. The results confirmed that the relative advantage of decreasing payment processing time and fees, convenience, and en..... 1084 hits |
10 | 2021 article | Investigating the effect of price of rubber fluctuations on stock prices and exchange rates in Malaysia Phoong, Seuk Yen This paper examines the relationship between the stock price and nominal exchange rate in Malaysia to ascertain the significance of using rubber price as a correction mechanism. The Johansen cointegration test was employed to investigate the effects of linear combination and the relationships among the components in a multiple time series. A two-regime, intercept-adjusted Markov switching vector error correction model was also used to examine the parameters concerned. Rubber price is used as a correction mechanism. Because rubber is one of Malaysia?s main exports, using rubber price as a correction mechanism may affect the country?s economy. The results of this study show that the said variables have cointegrating relations. Further, the nominal exchange rate has a negative relationship with the changes in stock price. Markov switching vector error correction model was found to be suitable for examining the data as the findings had a small variance. ? 2021 by De La Salle University... 797 hits |
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