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Simplified search suggestions : Ponrany Sinnadurai |
1 | 2007 thesis | Collaborative writing or small group discussion in enhancing students composition writing Ponrany Sinnadurai This study investigates the effectiveness of using collaborative writing or small group discussion in enhancing students’ composition writing. Essays were given for the pre-test and post-test for both the experimental and controlled group, which comprised of twenty respondents each. A questionnaire was also given to evaluate the effectiveness of collaboration or small group discussion. The results of the tests were then analyzed for the study using the SPSS. The results proved that there are significant differences between using the conventional method and the collaborative method to teach writing. The findings strongly suggest that collaborative writing enhances students’ composition writing and that it is applicable in the teaching of writing. It is hoped that the English language teachers could use the findings of this study to modify their techniques in teaching writing to students and help them to overcome any problems... 777 hits |