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Simplified search suggestions : Rafiduraida Abdul Rahman
The theory and practice of couples managing two full-time careers in Malaysia
Rafiduraida Abdul Rahman
This thesis investigates me experiences of Malaysian dual-career couples combining career and family. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were used to collect data from 23 dualcareer couples. The findings indicate that being in a dual-career relationship impacts upon how they perceive the family'S provider role; career priorities; how decisions are made; and how family work is divided. The experiences described by the participants reflect their gender role ideologies and the salience of family and work roles. The results also reveal how interaction between partners can shape their ideologies and role salience, in addition to how religious and cultural values influence their gender attitudes. A number of challenges faced by the couples are identified. 1 he supports and strategies that help them cope With housework, childcare and work demands are also critiqued. The thesis also highlights the implications of the government and organization's policies and support to the couples and the.....

856 hits

Kesan interaksi peradaban melayu di zaman Pra-Kolonial: satu perspektif pengajian peradaban
Ibrahim Muhammad Nadzir, Kamarul Zaman Muhammad Akramin, Abdul Rahman Rafiduraida,
Interaksi peradaban dilihat sebagai satu proses yang berlaku kepada mana-mana peradaban. Proses ini melambangkan sifat semulaj adi manusia sebagai watak utama peradaban untuk hidup bermasyarakat. Kesan interaksi akan membawa natijah positif atau negatif kepada sesuatu peradaban. Kesan positif tentunya akan membawa kehidupan masyarakat yang baik, penerapan nilai-nilai mumi dan kecemerlangan kepada peradaban berkenaan. Keadaan ini juga berlaku ke atas peradaban Melayu yang tidak sunyi daripada berinteraksi dengan peradaban lain seperti Cina, India dan Islam. Perubahan besar telah meletakkan asas tamadun Melayu untuk "memperadabkan" atau "mentamadunkan" dirinya sehingga membawa kedudukannya ke mercu kecemerlangan. Kertas kerja ini hanya meninjau kesan positif ke atas peradaban Melayu hasil interaksinya dengan peradaban-peradaban lain...

2336 hits

Margin kadar faedah, risiko kredit dan kadar faedah: analisis ke atas sektor perbankan di Malaysia
Abdul Rahman Rafiduraida, Rambeli@Ramli Norimah,
Kertas ilmiah ini cuba menganalisis risiko kredit dan kadar faedah yang memberi kesan terhadap margin kadar faedah di sektor perbankan di Malaysia. Objektif kajian ini adalah ingin menilai risiko kewangan utama yang di hadapi sebagai strategi yang hendak dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan margin kadar faedah. Selain itu kajian ini ingin menganalisis hubungan margin faedah bersih terhadap bank-bank perdagangan menerusi pembolehubah dan ciri-ciri bank yang dinyatakan. Metodologi kajian ini berdasarkan data panel yang bercirikan gabungan siri masa dan keratan rentas bagi tempoh 1994 -2005 untuk 33 buah bank perdagangan di Malaysia. Basil kajian mendapati bahawa risiko kadar faedah dan risiko kecairan telah menyebabkan berlaku penurunan dalam margin kadar faedah. Manakala perubahan dalam kadar faedah akan memberi kesan yang signifikan keatas margin kadar faedah. Namun begitu, BNM dan bank perdagangan harus mengetahui bahawa wujud pembolehubah lain seperti risiko kredit, leveraj, pembayaran fa.....

1563 hits

The customers cognitive evaluation of service experience: an empirical comparison between service personal values and service value
Wan Mustaffa Wan Salmuni, Abdul Rahman Rafiduraida, Ahmad Noor Lela, Ab Wahid Hariyaty,
3938 hits

Women entrepreneurs in United Arab Emirates: enablers and challengers
Rafiduraida Abdul Rahman
Business development is a growing area of emphasis in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), however, developing and launching a new business is often a complex task for the aspiring women entrepreneurs. Most of the key skills needed to run an independent business such as the finance, marketing, operational logistics and family support can present challenging barriers to long-term success. The purpose of this article is to investigate the enablers and barriers toward the success of women in entrepreneurial activities in UAE. A qualitative research using one-onone interviews and focus group were led among thirty successful women entrepreneurs from different fields operating in the UAE. The outcome of this research highlights the fact that UAE Government plays an important role in supporting women entrepreneurs, but the cultural barriers are seen as major obstacles.   ..

1303 hits

Exploring disabled students
Rafiduraida Abdul Rahman
The aim of this research is to explore the crucial dimensions of service quality experienced by disabled students at Malaysian HEIs. The Malaysian public universities were selected as a research context. This research involved disabled students registered at selected Malaysian public universities. Purposive sampling technique was utilized for selection of the respondents. Face-toface interview was conducted to gather the data. Thematic technique was performed to analyze the data. Result from the interview indicated that the disabled students were less satisfied with service experience offered by Malaysian public universities. The results also revealed that four dimensions need to give extra attention to improve the quality of disabled students’ service experience at Malaysian HEIs. The service dimensions include physical facilities, access to learning, communication, and empathy. This research will give a positive impact to the university’s management in providing service quality a.....

1138 hits

Exploring the factors affecting quality of work life among Millennial Academic Staff in Malaysian Public Universities
Rafiduraida Abdul Rahman
The article aims to explore factors that affects the quality of work life (QWL) among millennial academic staff in Malaysian public universities. Qualitative approach using semi-structured interview was conducted on ten millennial academic staff from four public universities in Malaysia to provide an in-depth explanation on the important factors that affect their QWL. The data were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings identified that factors such as heavy workload, inadequate facilities, lack of advanced technology, leaders that provide less care on welfare, as well as students’ issue could affect the ability of the millenial academics to achieve a good QWL. On the other hand, other factors such as flexibility, supportive colleagues and job security help to ease their working life, hence, making their job more meaningful. The present study generates a deeper understanding of the QWL factors specific to the academics from millennial generation, thus indicatin.....

1009 hits

Kualiti kehidupan bekerja dalam kalangan staf akademik Generasi Y di Malaysia
Rafiduraida Abdul Rahman
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kualiti kehidupan bekerja dalam kalangan staf akademik Generasi Y di universiti awam di Malaysia. Kaedah kualitatif secara temu bual separa berstruktur telah dijalankan ke atas 16 orang staf akademik generasi Y di beberapa buah Universiti awam di Malaysia. Hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa faktor beban kerja, keadaan kerja, hubungan dengan rakan sekerja, pengurusan organisasi, isu pelajar, antaramuka kerja dan keluarga, fleksibiliti serta sekuriti kerja merupakan faktor yang ditekankan oleh staf akademik dan didapati mempengaruhi kualiti kehidupan bekerja mereka. Diharapkan kajian yang dijalankan ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada pelbagai pihak sama ada kepada organisasi pendidikan dan juga staf akademik dalam mengambil kira faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kualiti kehidupan bekerja staf akademik Gen Y bagi mengurangkan tekanan mereka dan seterusnya meningkatkan kepuasan bekerja...

519 hits

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