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Simplified search suggestions : Raja Sarimah Raja Alias
Keberkesanan tiga kaedah mengulangkaji terhadap pencapaian markah Fizik pelajar tingkatan lima
Raja Sarimah Raja Alias
The purpose of this research is to identify the most effective revision method to students’ achievement in Physics and to determine students’ perceptions towards the revision methods being studied. During the research, three group of students revised Force and Pressure, a topic of Form Four Physics syllabus using three revision method modules. The three modules were Traditional Module Revision Method (KT), Self-Study Module Revision Method (KK) and Workshop Module Revision Method (KB) representing the traditional revision method, self study revision method and workshop revision method respectively. A total of 120 students from 165 of Form Five students from Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi Rawang were the participants and were chosen using purposeful sampling. The participants were randomly divided into three groups for each revision method module being researched. This research is an experimental research with Pre-post Test Treatment and Control Group Experimental Design. The ins.....

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