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Simplified search suggestions : Rasikumari Muniandy |
1 | 2022 thesis | Development and usability of Propos-Bio multimedia module for Biology form four Cell Division topic Rasikumari Muniandy This study aimed to develop and determine the usability of a multimedia module
named Propos-Bio multimedia module for the topic of Cell Division. The design used
in this study is the developmental design based on ADDIE Model. A total of 44
Biology teachers from 25 secondary schools in Kinta Utara, Perak were chosen as
respondents through a random sampling method. Five Biology experts were selected
to determine the validity of the multimedia module. Three instruments employed in
this study were expert validation, reliability and usability questionnaires. All the
instruments were valid and reliable for this study. The data were analysed using
percentage of expert agreement to detemine validity, Cronbach alpha for reliability
and mean for usability of the module.The finding shows that the developed
multimedia module has a good validity and reliability with 93.3% of expert agreement
and Cronbach alpha value 0.90. The Propos-Bio multimedia module also has a good
usability in ter..... 870 hits |