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Simplified search suggestions : Riyanto Sugeng
Microrheological measurement of cellulose solutions using a single particle tracking
The aim of the research was to develop microrheological measurement system to determine the alpha apparent (aapp ) and the complex shear modulus (G*(@) of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) solutions based on a single particle tracking technique using video microscopy (VM). A micron sized particle acting as a probe in cellulose solution was tracked by a freeware called Tracker. The temporal displacement of the particle was recorded and analyzed in spectrum domain using custom-made program using MATLAB. Videos were recorded at about 30 fps depending on the recording setting resulted in output of radial frequency range from 0.4 rad/s to 10 rad/s. The results from the local measurement in cellulose solutions were compared with the bulk measurement using rheometer. Since the solution is a kind of nonhomogeneous complex material, which contained long chain fiber, the measurements were dependent on the local position of the probe in the solution. To conclude, the microrheological measurement s.....

563 hits

Microrheological measurement of microcrystalline cellulose solution using single particle tracking
Ayop Shahrul Kadri, Riyanto Sugeng, Wan Aziz Wan Nor Suhaila, Mustapa Izan R, Munajat Yusof,
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